Geothermal Services Available In Europe
PremiumManufactured by Koller Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbHbased in GERMANY
We provide our offer to any industry where steel construction components are needed: Oil and gas industry, mechanical engineering, food / paper / chemical factories, geothermal energy, wind power plants. ...
PremiumManufactured by Koller Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbHbased in GERMANY
We provide our offer to any industry where steel construction components are needed: Oil and gas industry, mechanical engineering, food / paper / chemical factories, geothermal energy, wind power plants. ...
based in GERMANY
Large projects such as deep geothermal developments require an accurate and structured project management. This is all the more the case, the greater the number of partners involved in the same ...
Drilling for heat comes with its own set of challenges, demanding rigour in planning and execution to assure success in a sensitive commercial environment. Best practice, derived from lessons learned on the world’s most challenging wells ensures drilling projects are developed ...
based in USA
Trust Battelle to help you improve performance, reduce costs and protect the environment with cutting-edge alternative energy innovations. From bio-based fuels and fuel cell technologies to solar energy and wind power, Battelle delivers market-ready alternative energy solutions based on the latest scientific discoveries. Our broad expertise in related science and engineering disciplines and our ...
based in USA
As a leader in Energy Engineering and sustainability, we have identified, designed, and upgraded a variety of energy management systems. Our team is committed to sustainable development in both the public and private sectors. We specialize in working with new technologies in energy generation and continually search for innovative ways to utilize energy and materials both effectively and ...
based in GREECE
Design studies, engineering ...
based in BELGIUM
Tractebel Engineering has accumulated ample expertise in technologies such as marine energy (tidal and wave), and also in geothermal energy for electricity generation. ...
Manufactured by ClearVUE Systems Limitedbased in UNITED KINGDOM
Using our extensive energy and utility engineering expertise, we help organisations optimise how they use their energy to achieve cost savings and their climate goals. Through the delivery of site surveys, asset upgrades, renewable installations, feasibility studies, and more, we guide and support businesses to meet their economic and climate objectives with minimised risks as we transition to a ...
based in CANADA
Exploration programs are usually developed in 3 steps: reconnaissance, pre-feasibility and feasibility. The size and budget of the exploration program should be proportional to the following characteristics: Exploration objectives, Importance of the resources you expect to find, Planned utilization of the resource. Understandably, any reduction in the number or size of the program(s) will lead to ...
by Veoliabased in FRANCE
Veolia provides exclusive expertise enabling companies and municipalities to optimize the technical, economic and environmental performance of facilities such as buildings and heating or cooling ...
based in USA
The following is a brief overview of the steps involved in our Enhanced Energy process. All of these steps can be performed individually for a client, but we recommend applying the entire process to realize the full ...
Manufactured by SHARC International Systems Inc.based in CANADA
An Energy as a Service (EaaS) model allows developers to unlock the value of a geothermal exchange system and wastewater energy system, at no cost and no risk. The pairing of these systems can transform the energy landscape for buildings and positively impact global sustainability goals making net-zero emissions a ...
based in FINLAND
Main focus in Energy Solutions is Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) which is a great and proven solution by solving a common challenge – energy storage – in distributed energy systems. With ATES system both heating and cooling can be done very efficiently – more efficiently than with other geothermal systems (Borehole Heat Pumps). Borehole systems are usually not even ...
based in ICELAND
Landsvirkjun owns and operates two geothermal power stations in North Iceland. A 3 MW station that commenced operation in 1969 and a more recent 60 MW ...
A system that transfers the temperature from the ground to your home using a geothermal heat ...
based in ALBANIA
Mott MacDonald’s experience with alternate energy schemes is extensive, driven by the urgent need to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from traditional sources and to find reliable and sustainable sources of renewable ...
based in USA
Continental Control Systems, LLC has 23 years of experience creating energy measurement solutions. We partner with our customers to deliver the best solutions possible for the requirements. CCS products are built on a platform engineered for customization. This platform allows for faster solutions development. CCS has a long history of meeting the regulatory and accuracy requirements of energy ...
Manufactured by Rioglass Solarbased in BELGIUM
Thanks to its industrial profile and in-depth knowledge of these types of organisations’ needs, Rioglass Solar offers industrial clients renewable energy solutions. The main solutions offered by Rioglass Solar are: Supply of electricity from photovoltaic rooftop installations. Heat supply for industrial processes of renewable origin. Supply of green ammonia and ...
Manufactured by ULTRANODEbased in CANADA
Construction of the facilities is normally the longest phase of the project schedule, with the highest complexity, interaction, and interfaces among a wide range of participants. Quick preparation of the project site and just-in-time support are vital elements that enhance the quality of construction activities. As the work progresses, the nature of the principal construction activities change ...
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