Hydro Energy Books

18 books found
  • Energy Portfolios: Customization and Management

    Report on energy as of one of the most important issues of the twenty-first century. It discuses how countries deal with the composition of their energy portfolio, consistent with the endowment of energy resources, technologies and social, economical and environmental impacts, like CO2 emissions. In detail, the diversification of energy sources is treated. The role of non-carbon emitting sources ...

  • Wind Energy: Renewable Energy and the Environment

    Due to the mounting demand for energy and increasing population of the world, switching from nonrenewable fossil fuels to other energy sources is not an option—it is a necessity. Focusing on a cost-effective option for the generation of electricity, Wind Energy: Renewable Energy and the Environment covers all facets of wind energy and wind turbines. The book begins by outlining the history of ...

  • 2004 New and Renewable Energy Technologies for Sustainable Development

    New and renewable energy systems will play an important role in the sustainable development of a future energy strategy. Recent development in this field has proved that the virtual energy system including new and renewable energy sources is feasible. The promotion of renewable sources of energy is a high priority, for security and diversification of energy supply, environmental protection, and ...

  • Synchronous Generators

    Surveying the technologies used to satisfy the world´s demand for open, efficient, and clean electricity, Synchronous Generators provides an in-depth examination of synchronous generators for both stand-alone and grid-connected applications. Part of The Electric Generators Handbook, Two-Volume Set, this book offers authoritative, tightly focused treatment of the topologies, steady state and ...

  • Applied Hydraulic Transients: For Hydropower Plants and Pumping Stations

    The book treats the problem of transient hydraulic computation, for hydroelectric plants and pumping stations, especially by numerical methods and consists of the following chapters: The waterhammer phenomenon in hydraulic systems under pressure; Experimental results concerning the waterhammer; Protection of pumping stations against waterhammer; Hydraulic resonance in hydroelectric power plant ...

  • Basic Practice Series: FERC

    Get the facts quickly on environmental, energy, and resources law issues with the Basic Practice Series, published by the ABA Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources. This series is an essential library that provides essential information in an easy-to-use format. Whether you're a new or seasoned environmental practitioner, you'll find these books to be a quick and necessary resource for ...

  • Management of Weather and Climate Risk in the Energy Industry

    Weather and climate information provide important elements in policy/decision making within the energy sector. Weather forecasts are employed routinely in the energy sector – by energy producers through to suppliers, and by financial analysts through to national regulators – to assist in decision-making. This information is used for diverse purposes such as the pricing of energy or the valuation ...

  • Renewable Energy

    Introduction and Structure.- Fundamentals of Renewable Energy Resources.- Passive Use of Solar Energy.- Solar-Thermal Energy.- Photovoltaics.- Wind Energy.- Hydropower.- Near-Surface Geothermal Energy and Energy from Ambient Air.- Deep Geothermal.- Energy.- Appendices: Ocean Energy, Solar-Thermal Electrical Power Generation, Energy from ...

  • Blast Waves

    The primary purpose of this text is to document many of the lessons that have been learned during the author’s more than forty years in the field of blast and shock. The writing therefore takes on an historical perspective, in some sense, because it follows the author’s experience. The book deals with blast waves propagating in fluids or materials that can be treated as fluids. It begins by ...

  • Hydropower Economics

    The focus of HYDROPOWER ECONOMICS is to provide qualitative economic analyses of how to utilize stored water in a hydropower system with fixed generating capacities. The problem is dynamic because water used today to generate electric power may alternatively be used tomorrow. The distinctive feature of this book is to provide a social planning perspective on the optimal use of water. This is a ...

  • API STD 546 For Petroleum Refining Standards

    This standard covers the minimum requirements for form-wound and bar-wound brushless synchronous machines for use in petroleum, chemical and other industrial applications. This standard includes synchronous motors and generators with two different rotor designs: salient-pole type rotors with solid or laminated poles; cylindrical type rotors with solid or laminated construction. ...

  • Wastewater Hydraulics

    The second, enlarged edition of this established reference integrates many new insights into wastewater hydraulics. This work serves as a reference for researchers but also is a basis for practicing engineers. It can be used as a text book for graduate students, although it has the characteristics of a reference book. It addresses mainly the sewer hydraulician but also general hydraulic engineers ...

  • Ocean Energy

    Engineers’ dreams and fossil energy replacement schemes can come true. Man has been tapping the energy of the sea to provide power for his industries for centuries. Tidal energy combined with that of waves and marine winds rank among those most successfully put the work. Large scale plants are capital intensive but smaller ones, particularly built in China, have proven profitable. Since the ...

  • Advanced Renewable Energy Sources

    This book is an ideal reference text for teaching renewable energy to engineering and science students, as well as a reference book for scientists and professionals doing self study on the subject. The book has twelve chapters and starts with the definition and classification of renewable and non renewable energy and their status at global level. This chapter also contains the basic heat transfer ...

  • Biofuels, Solar and Wind as Renewable Energy Systems

    With shortages of fossil energy, especially oil and natural gas, and heavy biomass energy use occurring in both developed and developing countries, a major focus has developed worldwide on renewable energy systems. Renewable energy systems include wind power, biomass, photovoltaics, hydropower, solar thermal, thermal ponds, and biogas. Currently, a heavy focus is on biofuels made from crops, ...

  • Ocean Wave Energy

    The authors of this reference provide an updated and global view on ocean wave energy conversion for wave energy developers as well as for students and professors. The book is orientated to the practical solutions that this new industry has found so far and the problems that any device needs to face. It describes the actual principles applied to machines that convert wave power in electricity. ...

  • Plan B 2.0: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble

    Our global civilization today is on an economic path that is environmentally unsustainable, a path that is leading us toward economic decline and eventual collapse. Environmental scientists have been saying for some time that the global economy is being slowly undermined by environmental trends of human origin, including shrinking forests, expanding deserts, falling water tables, eroding soils, ...

  • Turning Hydropower Social

    This book emphasizes the importance of involving stakeholders in data formation related to assessments of hydropower development. This is a prerequiste if projects are to be sustainable. The study targets policy formation after the UNCED and UNSSD conventions, and how a discrepancy emerges between policy and its implementation by using hydropower development as an extended case. At global and ...

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