Hydro Energy Suppliers In Australia

18 companies found
  • TRIC Tools, Inc.
    Distributor in Bendigo East, AUSTRALIA

    TRIC provides the best trenchless pipe bursting equipment and accessories, as well as information to empower the trenchless revolution in the replacement of failing underground pipelines-sewer, water, and gas and to expand our technology and method ...

  • Natural Technology Systems
    based in Prospect, AUSTRALIA

    Natural Technology Systems is a leader in the assessment, design, sourcing and commissioning of solar electric power systems and minimum impact sanitation installations. Our product range includes grid-connected solar electricity, hybrid solar ...

  • Elecnor
    Office in Melbourne, AUSTRALIA

    Elecnor is one of the leading corporations in project development, construction and operation through two major mutually-enriching business areas: Infrastructure and Concessions. With nearly 60 years of continuous growth and a presence in more than ...

  • Turbulent
    Office in AUSTRALIA

    We develop efficient hydropower plants for rivers and canals with a low height difference. We are a multi-cultural team with two co-founders from Belgium. Jasper has Master degrees in both Finance and Law. Geert is a Master in Electromechanic and ...

    Turbulent - Hydroelectric Turbines for Green, Decentralized Energy

    Turbulent - Hydroelectric Turbines for Green, Decentralized Energy

    We develop cost-effective hydropower plants that can be installed in any river, canal or waterway that has a drop between 1.5 - 5 m. You can generate electricity using an individual turbine or a network of multiple turbines for higher energy ...

  • Carnegie Clean Energy
    based in North Fremantle, AUSTRALIA

    Carnegie is pursuing the immense and untapped market of wave energy. Extracting energy from the incredible global wave energy resource is the objective of governments and companies alike but the technology to achieve this at a sufficiently low price ...

  • Bombora Wave Power
    Office in Hillarys, AUSTRALIA

    A culture of innovation has propelled Bombora since mWave™’s inception in a farm barn in Perth, Western Australia. Today, thanks to exceptional people, we are delivering a blueprint for multi megawatt scale, reliable and competitive wave energy ...

    Bombora - Model mWave™ - Wave Energy Converter

    Bombora - Model mWave™ - Wave Energy Converter

    Bombora is meeting energy transition demands with a market disruptive product to deliver continuous, reliable ocean energy for global use in national and island ...

  • Sundermann Water Power Ltd
    based in Heyfield, AUSTRALIA

    Sundermann Water Power is an unlisted public company currently developing a submerged water turbine which can deliver electrical power to the grid or power a remote site. Sundermann Water Power Limited is an Australian company leading the way in ...

    Sundermann - Submerged Water Turbine

    Sundermann - Submerged Water Turbine

    The Sundermann Turbine is a submerged water turbine which drives a generator. It is specifically designed to maximise operational efficiency in slow to medium speed water flows of 6-12 ...

  • AZURA Ocean Technology
    based in HAMILTON, Victoria, AUSTRALIA

    AZURA Ocean Technology systems can produce potable water, energy, or both from a single unit whilst contributing zero emissions. Utilising the resource that surrounds us with higher efficiency, 24/7 up time, and without the horizontal impact or land ...

    AZURA - Absorber Wave Energy Converter

    AZURA - Absorber Wave Energy Converter

    Azura is a multi-mode, point absorber wave energy converter developed to target the growing international market for utility scale renewable generation. Unlike other wave energy converters, Azura extracts power from both the heave (vertical) and ...

  • MAKO Turbines Pty Ltd
    based in Sydney, AUSTRALIA

    MAKO Energy has a range of hydrokinetic turbines capable of operating in a variety of flow rates, making them deployable in the greatest range of locations around the world. Even at low flow rates, the MAKO is able to produce electricity ...

    MAKO - Tidal Turbines

    MAKO - Tidal Turbines

    A new class of tidal turbine built from innovative design and engineering. Unlocking the true potential of ocean renewable ...

  • ELGRA Engineering
    based in South Nowra, AUSTRALIA

    Elton and Graeme Robinson established ELGRA Engineering in South Nowra, New South Wales. Coming from a rural background, it was natural for the two founders to focus on creating a range of tractor-mounted, 3pl machinery, all designed to make life a ...

  • Nitto Kohki Europe Gmbh

    Nitto Kohki is a world-renowned Japanese designer and manufacturer of high-tech components, tools and machines. Our products include pumping systems with a wide range of applications e.g. in medical equipment, waste water treatment systems, and many ...

    Cupla - Model HSP - High Pressure Quick Connect Couplings

    Cupla - Model HSP - High Pressure Quick Connect Couplings

    Special steel body is tough against vibration and impact! Male and female thread end configurations are available. Low pressure loss characteristic suits hydraulic equipment ...

  • Putzmeister Solid Pumps GmbH
    Office in Bundaberg, AUSTRALIA

    Putzmeister Solid Pumps GmbH supplies complete systems for the transportation and storage of sludges and solids. The scope of services includes the planning and engineering of conveying tasks, consultation services regarding the transportation’s ...

  • McElroy Manufacturing
    Office in Canning Vale, AUSTRALIA

    McElroy Manufacturing's mission is to be a growth- and profit-oriented company dedicated to our people, our customers and our community. McElroy is committed to providing innovative, quality products and services throughout all of our product ...

    McElroy QuickCamp - Model 630 - Insulated and Climate-Controlled Enclosure

    McElroy QuickCamp - Model 630 - Insulated and Climate-Controlled Enclosure

    The McElroy QuickCamp System is a lighted, insulated and climate-controlled enclosure that allows operators to fuse pipe day or night under all weather conditions. The QuickCamp System includes the QuickCamp Shelter, which houses a 630 or 900 fusion ...

  • United Initiators Inc.
    Office in Banksmeadow NSW, AUSTRALIA

    United Initiators is a world leading manufacturer of organic peroxides, persulfates and hydrogen peroxide. Our products are essential for a multitude of indispensable things in modern daily life. Whether it is renewable energy, coatings, adhesives, ...

  • Cathay Composites
    based in Thomastown, AUSTRALIA

    Cathay Composites is a vertically integrated composite materials manufacturer and supplier based in Australia. Offering a wide range of locally produced intermediate fabrics and composite components all of which is supported by an experienced ...

  • Hesco Mildura Pty Ltd.
    based in Mildura, AUSTRALIA

    Hesco (Hydraulic Engineering Service Company) is a well established leader in the manufacturing of hydraulicly operated vineyard equipment. We employee over 20 trained staff in the manufacturing and servicing of our vineyard equipment, helping us to ...

  • Ruf Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG
    Distributor in Eden, AUSTRALIA

    When Hans Ruf introduced his first briquette press in 1985 and sold it to a wood processing plant, people didn’t yet know how residual materials in production could be made efficient use of. Today, approx. 35 years later, RUF Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. ...

  • M-A-S Maschinen- und Anlagenbau Schulz GmbH
    Distributor in East Brighton, AUSTRALIA

    Since the formation of MAS by Mr. Helmuth Schulz in 2006, the guiding principles of the company and indeed of every employee has been that; innovative technology leads to measurably better results. Clear, unquestionable, and distinctive in process, ...

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