Hydro Energy Suppliers Serving Austria

432 companies found
  • TRIC Tools, Inc.
    based in Oakland, CALIFORNIA (USA)

    TRIC provides the best trenchless pipe bursting equipment and accessories, as well as information to empower the trenchless revolution in the replacement of failing underground pipelines-sewer, water, and gas and to expand our technology and method ...

  • Hydra-Tech Pumps
    based in Nesquehoning, PENNSYLVANIA (USA)

    Since 1977 Hydra-tech Pumps has pioneered the development of Hydraulic Drive Submersible Pumps and continues to produce new and innovative products to keep pace with today's changing world. Our pumps are designed to cover the widest range of ...

    Hydra-Tech - Model HT6G - Portable Hydraulic Power Unit

    Hydra-Tech - Model HT6G - Portable Hydraulic Power Unit

    This Honda gas portable power pack is ideal for driving our 2″ trash pump and slim-line borehole pump. It also can provide hydraulic power to run many other hydraulic tools. Two models are available with flows of 3 GPM @ 2500 PSI or 4.5 GPM @ ...

  • OTTI - Ostbayerisches Technologie Transfer Institut e. V.
    Professional association
    based in Regensburg, GERMANY

    OTTI is a non profit organisation founded in 1977. Our purpose is to stimulate industrial economy by providing state-of-the-art information, initiating processes, developing visions, and also by training managerial personnel. We establish long term ...

  • Ocean Energy
    based in Cobh, IRELAND

    OceanEnergy, which is the trading name of New Wave Technologies Limited, is a specialised commercial company developing wave energy technology. The company is developing technology which has been extensively tested and is now at a stage where it is ...

  • Ocean Energy Europe (OEE)
    Professional association
    based in Brussels, BELGIUM

    OEE: the largest global network of ocean energy professionals. The largest global network of ocean energy professionals. Ocean Energy Europe is the largest network of ocean energy professionals in the world. Over 120 organisations, including ...

  • SIMEC Atlantis Energy
    based in London, UNITED KINGDOM

    SIMEC Atlantis Energy (Atlantis) is a global sustainable energy company, aiming to become the leading independent sustainable power generator in the UK. We are a global developer of renewable and sustainable energy projects with more than 1,000 ...

    Meygen Sustainable Energy Park

    Meygen Sustainable Energy Park

    We are exploring the opportunity to collocate our world leading tidal stream project alongside storage solutions. Given our experience and expertise gained at Uskmouth Energy Park we think there is an exciting opportunity to deliver tidal ...

  • Trasfor S.A.
    based in Molinazzo di Monteggio, SWITZERLAND

    Throughout the long history of Trasfor, research, design and manufacture of custom built dry-type transformers and reactors have always been the solid ground of the company. More than 45 years of experience in the research, design and manufacture of ...

  • Canyon Hydro
    based in Deming, WASHINGTON (USA)

    Canyon Hydro is the waterpower division of Canyon Industries, Inc. For more than 45 years, the company has focused solely on hydro systems, and has earned a strong reputation for premium quality and outstanding customer support. All Canyon Hydro ...

    Canyon - Hydro Turbine Design Services

    Canyon - Hydro Turbine Design Services

    For Micro Hydro Systems to 100kW - For larger Utility/IPP systems to 20MW. Given the many possible configurations for hydro power, we strongly recommend that you let us help you design the proper turbine system for your site. The Canyon Hydro ...

  • repros GmbH
    based in Steinheim, GERMANY

    Hydropower is the largest clean and renewable energy source since centuries. With its proven technology, hydropower provides a reliable source of energy not only today, but for the future to come. Due to the rapid social-economic development and ...

    Hydro Turbines

    Hydro Turbines

    Design and manufacturing of all type of Hydro Turbines. Design, manufacturing and software development of power plant control system and switchgears. Capable for fully automated plant operation including remote control of unmanned stations. Supply ...

  • Gigawatt Global
    based in Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS

    Gigawatt Global Coöperatief U.A. is a multinational renewable energy company focused on the development and management of utility-scale solar fields in emerging markets. Gigawatt Global has a rich pipeline of renewable energy projects, providing ...

  • Rulis Eléctrica Lda
    based in Santo Estevão de Briteiros, PORTUGAL

    Established in 1993, Rulis Electrica, Lda is a Portuguese company with German management. We have thirty years of experience and know-how acquired with our work on small wind turbines on marine vessels under particularly difficult conditions, ...

  • Nocart Ltd.
    based in LAHTI, FINLAND

    Nocart is an environmentally conscious energy company using multiple sources to produce high quality green electricity for all needs, including own use, sale and backup power for small power plants. Nocart serves global demand on three levels: Power ...

  • Scotrenewables Tidal Power Ltd.
    based in Kirkwall, Orkney, UNITED KINGDOM

    Scotrenewables Tidal Power Limited (“Scotrenewables”) was founded in 2002 in Orkney to develop cost effective tidal and river hydrokinetic turbines by offshore engineer Barry Johnston. The Company currently employs a team of 25 full time staff and ...

    Scotrenewables - Model SR 250 - Large Scale Floating Tidal Turbines

    Scotrenewables - Model SR 250 - Large Scale Floating Tidal Turbines

    SR250 250 kW, the world’s first large scale floating tidal turbine. The design incorporated all the learning achieved during development to date. The 35m turbine was constructed at Harland & Wolff Shipyards, Belfast and launched in early ...

  • VerdErg Renewable Energy Limited
    based in Kingston upon Thames, UNITED KINGDOM

    VerdErg's vision is for every community, no matter how remote, to have access to clean, affordable energy which doesn't harm the environment. We recognise that global attempts to lower carbon emissions go in vain if solutions do not also work in ...

    VerdErg - Model VETT-in-a-Box - Innovative Mini Hydropower System

    VerdErg - Model VETT-in-a-Box - Innovative Mini Hydropower System

    VETT-in-a-Box brings electricity to the most remote, off-grid locations worldwide and has the potential to replace hundreds of diesel-powered ...

  • Ebco Hydro Services, a division of Ebco Industries Ltd.
    based in Richmond, BRITISH COLUMBIA (CANADA)

    Ebco has manufactured and refurbished Hydro Power Generation components for many of the world’s largest OEMs and has supplied components or complete systems to some of the largest installations in North America as well as many smaller and ...

    Ebco - Hydro Turbine Parts

    Ebco - Hydro Turbine Parts

    Ebco Hydro Services provides hydro turbine parts for Francis and Kaplan, including propellers, large pumps, pump-turbines, and Kaplan conversions. All of our designs are customized to meet specific project requirements including life extension, ...

  • Cellini GTC Soc. Coop.
    Service provider
    based in Prato, ITALY

    Cellini GTC has a 'technologic: base of of planning, management and control of all the processes related to the implementation of big comission orders, from the planning to the testing and maintenance of the works done. Cellini GTC has then found a ...

  • HNAC Technology Co., Ltd
    Service provider
    based in Changsha, CHINA

    HNAC Technology Co., Ltd. ( Stock Code: 300490) is a large listed group company that provides overall solutions for water conservancy, electric power, environmental protection &water treatment, and industrial control etc. HNAC have 6 bases in ...

    Vertical Francis Turbine for Medium and Large Capacity Hydropower Station

    Vertical Francis Turbine for Medium and Large Capacity Hydropower Station

    The hydraulic turbine is a power machine that converts the energy of water flow into rotating mechanical energy. The Francis turbines can operate at a water head height of 20-700 meters. The output power ranges from several kilowatts to 800 MW. It ...

  • Elseta
    based in Vilnius, LITHUANIA

    Elseta specializes in the creation of energy management equipment aimed at simplifying the maintenance and management of power grid infrastructure. With a focus on modular and scalable products such as RTUs, I/Os, and fault passage indicators, all ...

  • Seabased
    based in Dublin 2, IRELAND

    Seabased’s ambition is to become the first Blue Energy Company to build, own, and operate Wave Power Parks around the globe. Our proprietary technology generates stable and predictable power that enables grid operators to increase the amount of ...

    Seabased - Wave Power Parks

    Seabased - Wave Power Parks

    A Blue Energy Company with patented technology that delivers wave power straight to the ...

  • Eco Marine Power
    based in Fukuoka, JAPAN

    Eco Marine Power Co. Ltd. (EMP) is an internationally focused technology company based in Fukuoka, Japan, that develops innovative renewable energy focused fuel and emissions reduction technologies for shipping and offshore applications. These ...

    Design and Consulting Services

    Design and Consulting Services

    Marine Renewable Energy and Ship Renewable Energy Solutions Design. Ship owners, ship managers, shipyards and vessel operators are increasingly looking to incorporate marine renewable energy & hybrid marine power technologies into the mix of ...


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