Hydropower Plants Equipment Supplied In Canada
Manufactured by Greenbug Energy Inc.based in CANADA
At least 400 Archimedes screw generators (ASGs) have already been installed in Europe since 1993 (Lashofer et al., 2012) and more are under construction, however there are currently few installations outside Europe. GreenBug connected the first ASG to the North American power grid in September, 2013, near Waterford, ...
Manufactured by Energy Systems & Design (ES&D)based in CANADA
The LH1000 is specifically designed machine to operate efficiently in low-head sites. It takes advantage of the same generator as the Stream Engine, however the water turbine component uses a low head propeller design. The LH1000, is designed to operate in conjunction with battery based power systems, storing electrical power for use at times when consumption exceeds ...
Manufactured by Fugesco inc.based in CANADA
The FA400 series fully adjustable split hydro turbine seal is designed for small to medium hydro applications, effectively sealing turbine shafts to prevent water leakage and ensure smooth operation. The seal is compatible with turbine pressures up to 15 m/s and supports a range of shaft sizes from 250 mm to 600 mm with RPM specifications of 980 for 250 mm, 615 for 400 mm and 500 mm, and 430 for ...
Manufactured by Coanda Water Intakes - ADENCO part of ADEN-GROUP Companybased in CANADA
The most popular and effective way for the Coanda Intake Screen, also called hydropower screen, is using it for the Hydroelectric Plants – Hydropower energy. Coanda Water Screen prevents harmful materials in the intake process and provides clean water. Thus, turbine blades in hydropower plants can operate for longer without being damaged. Thus, the Coanda Intake Screen operates long years ...
Distributed by Delom Servicesbased in CANADA
Working closely with leaders in the hydro-electric industry (Hydro-Québec, Alstom, Voith and others) has given Delom Services extensive expertise in the repair of alternator groups. Our superior capability combined with our dedicated expertise has led us to work not only on local projects, but international ones as ...
by Innergexbased in CANADA
Hydro power plants produce minimal greenhouse gases and are a source of clean, non-polluting energy. The evaporation/condensation cycle also makes hydro energy completely renewable. Energy is produced from the natural water flow of rivers, assuring large scale and stable energy generation. Benefitting from a very long lifespan, hydroelectric facilities tend to become a driving force for local ...
Manufactured by Canadian Hydro Components Ltd. (CHC)based in CANADA
Francis turbines have been around for 170 years, and have more installations than any other type of turbine in the world today. Numerous designs offering variations in runner height, crown and band diameters, number of buckets, etc make Francis turbines a versatile option for a wide range of hydro projects with heads as low as 12 meters to as high as 600 ...
Manufactured by OSSBERGER GmbH Co. KGbased in GERMANY
Control is of the utmost importance for the efficient use of a hydropower plant. The system is automatically regulated to ensure optimal yield and is monitored at the same time to prevent damage and downtime. The OSSBERGER portfolio in terms of control technology ranges from the control of a micro-system to the remote control of a power plant with several turbines. Both parallel and island ...
Manufactured by Litostroj Powerbased in SLOVENIA
Design principle and range of use: Kaplan turbine is a double-regulated turbine. It is equipped with a Kaplan runner with variable-pitch blades that is hydraulically optimized for a wide range of discharge and a relatively wide range of head and is combined with regulated guide vanes, which makes a Kaplan turbine suitable for a wide range of discharge and head. The governor enables optimizing the ...
Manufactured by Monitrol Inc.based in CANADA
Turbine water meters for precise management of water consumption for your farm buildings. The counter is equipped with a cable that houses a red and black wire. These wires must be connected to one of the assigned controller’s PRB ...
Manufactured by ABBbased in SWITZERLAND
The latest generation of ABB’s generator circuit-breaker (GCB) With the new HVR-63 GCB, ABB continues to lead the way in designing the most advanced GCBs. The HVR-63 is the latest generation ABB GCB and it is best suited for retrofits or replacement in power plants with unit power of up to 180 MW. The open design and small footprint makes it ideal for open and cubicle installations, and for ...
Manufactured by Greenbug Energy Inc.based in CANADA
GreenBug Energy has developed the following Fixed Speed Control Panels for our grid tied Archimedes screw generator systems. Our Fixed Speed Induction Generator Controls Panels are designed for interconnection with the utility for either net metering or revenue producing applications such as Feed in Tariff ...
Manufactured by Ebco Hydro Services, a division of Ebco Industries Ltd.based in CANADA
Ebco Hydro Services provides hydro turbine parts for Francis and Kaplan, including propellers, large pumps, pump-turbines, and Kaplan conversions. All of our designs are customized to meet specific project requirements including life extension, increased capacity, peak efficiency, elimination of cavitation, and environmentally friendly ...
Manufactured by Litostroj Powerbased in SLOVENIA
Design principle and range of use: Pelton turbines with either vertical or horizontal shaft are intended for use of water energy at very high head (up to 1500 m) and relatively low discharge. Pelton turbine is an impulse machine that transforms the potential energy of water into kinetic energy in a form of a water jet, which impacts and drives a Pelton ...
Manufactured by Litostroj Powerbased in SLOVENIA
Design principle and range of use: Francis turbine is characterized by a fixed-blade Francis runner that is hydraulically optimized for a narrow operating range. Traditionally, Francis turbine has been considered to be a simple and robust machine suitable for exploitation of water energy at a wide range of head, from 30 m up to 750 ...
Manufactured by Litostroj Powerbased in SLOVENIA
Design principle and range of use:Pit and Bulb turbines are horizontal axial flow units equipped with a regulated Kaplan runner. These turbines are typically used at low heads (1,5 m to 25 m) and high discharges. The double regulation design allows wide operating range covering various heads and discharges. ...
Manufactured by Litostroj Powerbased in SLOVENIA
Design principle and range of use: Compact turbines are characterized by small overall dimensions and can be of various types. Their compact design allows simple installation, with major turbine components transported to site pre-assembled. General description & our setup: The majority of turbine types can be effectively implemented in a compact solution, with setup similar to a simplified ...
Manufactured by Ebco Hydro Services, a division of Ebco Industries Ltd.based in CANADA
Ebco steel trash racks are installed at the inlets of the diversion channel of hydropower stations and the inlets and tailgates of pumped-storage power stations. They are designed to block the solid debris carried by the water flow and do not enter the diversion channel to ensure that the gate and turbine equipment are not damaged, and the normal operation of the equipment is ensured. The trash ...
Manufactured by ABBbased in SWITZERLAND
HEC 9 has been developed as a system for large sized power plant such as nuclear, coal fired and hydro power plants. It has the world's highest performance with short-circuit currents up to 300 kA and it is also highly suitable for retrofits or replacements of old GCBs in air-blast technology. ...
Manufactured by Thordon Bearings Inc.based in CANADA
Thordon SXL offers the lowest coefficient of friction, superior adhesive wear performance and good resistance to wear resulting from third particle ...
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