Hydro Energy Services In Asia & Middle East

33 services found
  • To change the world you need to bring people to the table. Connecting decision-makers: Through our conferences, workshops, digital events and online community, IHA brings together a diverse group of stakeholders, each with their own unique perspectives and experiences on hydropower. Every two years, we convene the World Hydropower Congress, the globe’s most important gathering for ...

  • based in NEPAL

    The climate and geography of Nepal is severely testing for any electrical and mechanical infrastructure. Hydropower equipment is under constant attack from particulates in the water of our Himalayan rivers. Heat, humidity and the unstable grid power severely test any electrical distribution and control equipment. In addition the management of Nepalese factories needs affordable, reliable repair ...


    Middle East Switchgear manufactures a wide range of LV Switchgear ...

  • Manufactured by WWS Wasserkraft GmbH
    based in AUSTRIA

    Comprehensive review of the situation; The first step for a successful revitalization is an inspection and consultation in the location. As an operator of own hydroelectric power plants we know the problems of old plants - but also their huge potential for rise the ...

  • One of the key activities in IRENA’s 2011 and 2012 work programme is development of renewable readiness assessments (RRAs). An RRA is a holistic assessment of conditions for renewable energy deployment in a country, and the actions necessary to further improve these conditions. An RRA is a rapid assessment of how a country can increase readiness and overcome the main barriers to the ...

  • The Construction BG of Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction will lead in developing high value added businesses and creating the space for enriched living based on its construction experience and technology accumulated from project worldwide in the unlimited competition of the 21st ...

  • based in INDIA

    The following services are provided by us • Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Electro-mechanical equipments & Switchyard. • Capital Maintenance and renovation of Hydro Turbines • Repair of Kaplan, Francis and Pelton runners with perfect profile match. • Stress Removal of hydro turbine runner and other parts. • Dynamic and static balancing of turbine runners. • Repair of guide vanes ...

  • Manufactured by WWS Wasserkraft GmbH
    based in AUSTRIA

    Modernisation of existing hydropower stations is one of our specialisations. From operating our own hydropower stations we know the issues of existing installations and highly appreciate the huge potential to improve the performance by technical upgrading. After a comprehensive stock-taking and economic efficiency analysis we find together with you the best solution from several renewal ...

  • based in INDIA

    Lanco offers end-to-end EPC solutions for power plants to clients such as state government utilities, independent power projects and merchant power plants. Our proven expertise in Main plant and Balance of Plant (BoP) turnkey engineering solutions as well as capability in executing concept to commissioning engineering includes basic engineering, computer simulation model based calculations with ...

  • We track sector developments and promote cutting-edge research. Monitoring the sector: ‍The International Hydropower Association (IHA) monitors key trends and developments in all regions of the world. We also foster and coordinate scientific research and industrial innovation to address the most pressing challenges facing the hydropower sector. Our in-house experts provide briefings on news ...

  • Manufactured by MAKO Turbines Pty Ltd
    based in AUSTRALIA

    MAKO installations, demonstration sites and launch customers prove the advantages of our tidal energy ...

  • based in NETHERLANDS

    For cleaning and desulphurization of the biogas produced is used in fermentation or wastewater treatment plants from a biological ontzwavelingsmethode . Colsen example has developed a system called BIDOX® . The principle of a BIDOX® is based on the biological oxidation of H2S by sulfur-oxidizing bacteria. Through the use of this system, the H 2 S content reduced to a level in accordance ...

  • Manufactured by WWS Wasserkraft GmbH
    based in AUSTRIA

    Design and production; We design for you your hydroelectic power plant the the new three-dimensionally tried-and-tested CAD system. This not only ensures that potential problems are found at an early stage, but it also allows for an exact stability calculation with various finite element programmes. With over 30 years on experience in construction, our members of staff guarantee you the ...

  • based in SINGAPORE

    UHP specializes in customized modular Mechanical drive packages for onshore and offshore installations. We select the most suitable drives for your applications. ...

  • As Black & Veatch addresses the interdependency of water and energy, clients benefit from reduced water usage for energy output, and lowered energy consumption at water and wastewater plants. Large amounts of electricity are required to acquire and process water, and large amounts of water are needed to produce electricity. This is the nexus of water and energy, and Black & Veatch sees ...

  • based in GERMANY

    The world is constantly changing. In our industry this is especially the case in the energy sector. The planned political move away from nuclear power has steered the focus to renewable energy, and energy efficiency is the main priority in any manufacturing operation. As our customers continue to evolve, we develop our products with them. While Schroeder valves have always been energy efficient ...

  • based in GERMANY

    The expansion of renewable energy is a political objective in all countries around the world, with hydropower being a decades-old form of power generation. There is huge potential in the exploitation of wind energy – both onshore and offshore – as well as solar energy with the help of solar thermal and photovoltaic plants. Biomass can also be used to generate heat and electricity or ...

  • based in FINLAND

    Climate change puts pressure on managing power in a way that is sustainable for generations to come. One option is to invest in small hydropower and to capitalise on river resources in a decentralised manner. The contribution of small hydropower to worldwide electrical capacity is estimated to be on a similar scale as other renewable energy ...

  • Kyoto protocol has brought new opportunities to countries and companies of non-Annex A to receive finance and advanced technology for emission reduction In Vietnam, it has helped realization of small hydro power projects, biogas capture and utilization, waste heat recovery, energy ...

  • based in INDIA

    Plant Design & Process Engineering Warranium Energy presents comprehensive process engineering services that include process and procurement solutions. Our design engineering services are spread over the full spectrum of the treatment plant, detail engineering, including front-end engineering design, and field services support. Our expertise and skills lie across multiple engineering and ...

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