Solid Oxide Cell Equipment & Supplies In Ohio

3 equipment items found
  • based in ESTONIA

    We provide mass manufactured planar, solid oxide electrode-supported cells (SOC) operating at 600-800°C. Elcogen cells are the market’s most efficient solid oxide technology, suitable for fuel cell and electrolysis operation. Cells can be incorporated into third party stacks for commercial applications, including heat and power generation, green hydrogen production, renewable ...

  • based in ESTONIA

    To make the integration of our elcoStack E3000 into your fuel cell, electrolyser, or reversible system as simple as possible, we are offering a comprehensive range of stack modules. They consist of a compression system, gas manifolds and an air distribution structure which enables the elcoStack E3000 to reach optimum performance. Modules for one, two or four stacks are available, larger ...

  • based in FINLAND

    Fuel cell is an energy conversion device that converts fuel’s energy into electricity and heat by electrochemical combination of fuel with oxygen without combustion. Therefore efficiency of power generation is not limited by Carnot efficiency. Solid Oxide Fuel Cell is a type of fuel cell that has the highest efficiency of all conversion technologies in a single cycle and due to high ...

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