Incineration Product Applications For The Energy Industry
Heat recovery from industrial processes
The Organic Rankine Cycle, for its intrinsical characteristics – first of all, the low temperature required for operation – is optimally suited to be used as the basis for heat recovery systems, designed to turn uselessly wasted heat into a valuable ...
By Zuccato Energia Srl based in Verona, ITALY.
Heat recovery from engines
Diesel engines typically convert no more than 33% of the energy contained in their fuel> in mechanical energy; about 25% of the energy input ends up in the cooling circuit and 33% in the exhaust gases (source: SAE ). So, it is evident how any intervention having the purpose of recovering at least a part of that large waste of energy is ...
By Zuccato Energia Srl based in Verona, ITALY.
Waste Conversion System for Energy Industry
Ecogensus fuel is designed to replace coal, including for large volume users such as coal power stations. Ecogensus works with strategic developers, licensees and industry partners, who in turn can aggregate supply from multiple facilities. Ecogensus has deep expertise in combustion and plant conversion to alternative fuels. We support fuel customers in their evaluation and transition-planning processes as well as enhancing plant operations and improving ...
By Ecogensus LLC based in Hartford, CONNECTICUT (USA).
Processing of Alternative Fuels for the energy industry
RDF is a fuel that is normally produced from waste with high calorific value. The original waste comes from households, industry and commerce and is processed for energy extraction; it is meant for co-incineration plants and replaces standard fuels (e.g. coal) in production plants for cement, power plants or other co-incineration ...
By Lindner-Recyclingtech GmbH based in Spittal/Drau, AUSTRIA.
Alternative Fuel Production for Energy / Substitute Fuel Production for Energy
Being driven by new legislation, the production of substitute fuel/alternative fuel will be gain momentum in the next few years, as well as the expected increase of recycling rate in municipalities. This means a lot of waste streams can be turned into alternative fuel for the coal fired power plant, cement and lime industry, biomass power plant, or other industrial boiler systems that still burning fossil ...
By eFACTOR3 LLC based in Pineville, NORTH CAROLINA (USA).
Measurement and control systems for the heat & steam technology
Reduction of perating costs: The increased energy costs over the last years have made investments towards heat recovery solutions not only cost effective but profitable. With the support and input of our employees and our technical know how, are improvements and solutions concerning heat recovery become ...
By IGEMA GmbH based in Münster, GERMANY.
Incinerators solutions for land installations sector
Atlas Incinerators often supply incinerators to the Power Plant market where a containerised or skid-mounted solution is required. The customer is typically a major generator manufacturer who has to offer a turn-key power plant to a developing country. In such applications our incinerators are required to run 24/7, 365 days per year, burning sludge oil. Other installations have required that our incinerators operate in remote and often harsh environments such as environmental clean up in Congo or The Royal Danish ...
By Atlas Incinerators ApS based in Vordingborg, DENMARK.
Vacuum and heat transfer technology solutions for power & energy industry
Graham is a provider of products and services to the power generating industry including Steam Surface Condensers, Steam Jet Ejectors and Liquid Ring Pump Systems to support turbine generator operation for various applications. Waste to energy, including biomass, municipal solid waste, landfill methane and others sources are used to produce electric power. Operation of many cogeneration, nuclear, geothermal, combined heat and power and combined cycle power generating facilities run on Graham ...
By Graham Corporation based in Batavia, NEW YORK (USA).
Power plant
coal/oil/gas fired, combined cycle, biomass, wind, solar(PV&CSP), geothermal, waste to energy, ...
By Runh Power Co.,Ltd based in Qingdao, CHINA.
Dust Monitor for Energy Sector
Coal-fired power plants, waste incineration power plants, oil refineries, natural gas facilities, ...
By Horizon Tek Services based in , UNITED KINGDOM.
Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) for Engine and Turbine Heat Recovery
Worldwide a large share of energy is generated by single cycle gas engines or turbines without the use of their waste heat. We can use this waste heat to produce extra power without using more fuel. ...
By Intec GMK GmbH based in Bargeshagen, GERMANY.
Real Time Gas Temperature Measurement for Power Generation Industry
Real Time Gas Temperature Measurement for Power Generation Industry; Power Station, Waste to Energy and ...
By SEI Europe Technologie SRL based in London, UNITED KINGDOM.
Pyrolysis Production Plant for Heat
Substituting pyrolysis oil for fossil fuel can be already be done today by medium or large-scale (co-)combustion of natural gas, coal or heating oil fired boilers, furnaces and turbines. Retrofitting these systems requires limited investments and due to its GHG savings of around 90% pyrolysis oil offers a unique opportunity to make your energy supply more sustainable while also reducing your dependency on fossil fuel prices. Even more interesting is its use in decentralized CHP solutions found for instance in ...
By BTG BioLiquids - BTG Biomass Technology Group based in Enschede, NETHERLANDS.
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