Incineration Product Applications In India
Analytical Instruments for Chemical Analysis of Biofuels and Synthetic Fuels
Learn about Analytik Jena's elemental analysis techniques for the determination of metal and non-metal elements, e.g., carbon, sulfur, nitrogen and chlorine, in renewable bio- and secondary derived fuels and their variable source materials. The methods described are ideal for process control and adaptation, the quality control of final products and legal limit adherence, such as TS legal limits for ...
By Analytik Jena - an EndressHauser Company Distributor in Mumbai, INDIA.
Air pollution control solution for bio mass refining and fuel gasification industry
Renewable fuels and alternative energy has looked too wet scrubbing to control acid gasses and particulates for an even greener ...
By CR Clean Air Group, LLC Distributor in Ahmedabad, INDIA.
Gas analyzers and monitoring systems for waste incineration sector
Waste-to-energy (WtE) or energy-from-waste (EfW) through incineration of waste is on the one hand an effective way of producing electricity and heat, while on the other hand it is disposing of possibly hazardous or unrecyclable waste. Its purpose is not to compete with waste recycling, reuse and prevention, but to complement them. After all, incineration not only reduces the amount of hazardous waste, but may also generate energy through the gases released in the process. Read about our solutions for ...
By Gasmet Technologies - a Nederman company Distributor in , INDIA.
Heat Exchangers Solutions for Evaporation & Concentration of Environmental Waste Streams Sector
Evaporation is a proven and effective way of reducing the volume of many waste streams. HRS Heat Exchangers offer solutions for the evaporation and concentration of waste streams from a wide variety of industries, such as water treatment, bioenergy and food production. A common issue when treating certain waste streams with standard evaporation technologies (such as falling film) is that when heated, they can foul equipment. As the concentration of solids increases during the evaporation process, so does the risk ...
By HRS Heat Exchangers Ltd. Office in Pune, INDIA.
Environmental solutions for the waste incineration industry
From a regulatory standpoint, the waste incineration industry is divided into a number of categories: commercial/industrial solid waste incinerators (CISWI), municipal waste combustors (MWC), hospital/medical/infectious waste incinerators (HMIWI), hazardous waste combustors (HWC), sewage sludge incinerators (SSI), and other solid waste incinerators (OSWI). While each sub-category is subject to differing environmental regulations, all can benefit from evaluating their air pollution control ...
By Dürr Systems, Inc. Office in Pune, INDIA.
Incinerators solutions for land installations sector
Atlas Incinerators often supply incinerators to the Power Plant market where a containerised or skid-mounted solution is required. The customer is typically a major generator manufacturer who has to offer a turn-key power plant to a developing country. In such applications our incinerators are required to run 24/7, 365 days per year, burning sludge oil. Other installations have required that our incinerators operate in remote and often harsh environments such as environmental clean up in Congo or The Royal Danish ...
By Atlas Incinerators ApS Distributor in Mumbai, INDIA.
Incinerators solutions for marine sector
Since 1974 Atlas Incinerators has been manufacturing incinerators for the Marine and Offshore market and during this time we have strived to make quite simply the best marine incinerator on the market. This has resulted in many improvements to the design as the years have gone by. So today’s incinerator design is the result of 40 years’ experience and listening to feedback from our customers around the world. With over 9000 units supplied, primarily to the marine market, we feel qualified to say we are ...
By Atlas Incinerators ApS Distributor in Mumbai, INDIA.
Measurement solution for Biomass combustion research
The use of alternative combustion fuels that provide a renewable source of energy is a major area of research and investment. Sources of biomass fuels include virgin wood, energy crops, agricultural residues, food waste and industrial waste. Controlling the combustion process of any new fuel and keeping track of the biomass fuel emissions of combustion by-products is important to users of these new ...
By Protea Limited Distributor in Baroda, INDIA.
Power generation solutions for renewable energy sector
Solar has a history of supporting renewable fuels, committing research and development toward modifying our turbines to burn various low energy fuels ...
By Solar Turbines Incorporated Distributor in Mumbai, INDIA.
LowNOx Systems for Nitrogenous Fuels
During the combustion of organic fuels with a high nitrogen content, NOx concentrations of up to several thousand mg or ppm are produced during a normal combustion process. The most efficient primary measure for NOx reduction is the staged combustion, where the combustion air is applied in two or more stages, depending on the ...
By CS Combustion Solutions GmbH Distributor in Mumbai, INDIA.
Gas Detection Solutions for Power Generation Industry
Boreal possess an array of products for the power generation industry from emissions stack monitoring, boiler room monitoring, chloride leak detection, and ammonia slip in deNOX. Boreal’s products are tailor made for coal fired power plants, natural gas fired, and waste-to-energy. Whether gas detection is used for safety, process, or environmental reasons, Boreal has you ...
By Boreal Laser Inc. Distributor in , INDIA.
Combustion Technology for Sulphur & Sulphur Acid
For the majority of the licensors of sulphuric acid processes represented on the market, CS builds burners and combustion chamber systems for the combustion of liquid sulphur, with or without a downstream waste heat ...
By CS Combustion Solutions GmbH Distributor in Mumbai, INDIA.
Incinerators solutions for offshore sector
As drilling for oil and gas moves further offshore and to more remote areas, the normal practice of discharging garbage to shore via supply boats is becoming increasingly difficult and expensive. The offshore market is therefore a market where the incinerator will become more necessary in the future. Offshore Owners often require a special solution with either a containerised or skid-mounted incinerator installed in a non-hazardous area. Low noise levels are also often an important parameter on an offshore ...
By Atlas Incinerators ApS Distributor in Mumbai, INDIA.
Measurement and control systems for the heat & steam technology
Reduction of perating costs: The increased energy costs over the last years have made investments towards heat recovery solutions not only cost effective but profitable. With the support and input of our employees and our technical know how, are improvements and solutions concerning heat recovery become ...
By IGEMA GmbH Office in Pune, INDIA.
Solar Solutions for BIPV Solution
BIPV stands for Building Integrated Photovoltaics. It is an innovative technology that involves integrating solar panels directly into building structures such as roofs, facades, and windows, to generate electricity while also serving as functional building elements. BIPV systems can be used in both new and existing buildings and offer several advantages over traditional solar installations, including increased energy efficiency, aesthetic appeal, and reduced carbon ...
By Contendre Solar, Inc based in Mumbai, INDIA.
Steam Turbines for Waste Heat Recovery Industry
Derive maximum energy by transforming waste heat into incidental power using ...
By Turbotech Precision Engineering Pvt, Ltd. based in Bangalore, INDIA.
Vacuum and heat transfer technology solutions for power & energy industry
Graham is a provider of products and services to the power generating industry including Steam Surface Condensers, Steam Jet Ejectors and Liquid Ring Pump Systems to support turbine generator operation for various applications. Waste to energy, including biomass, municipal solid waste, landfill methane and others sources are used to produce electric power. Operation of many cogeneration, nuclear, geothermal, combined heat and power and combined cycle power generating facilities run on Graham ...
By Graham Corporation Office in Ahmedabad, INDIA.
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