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Sludge Combustion Suppliers & Manufacturers

7 companies found
  • I.C.E. AG
    Service provider
    based in Wil, SWITZERLAND

    I.C.E. AG employees a team of experts to assist operators of waste incineration plants, waste-to-energy power plants, biomass and sewage sludge incineration plants. They provide in-depth expertise and extensive service offerings for optimization, ...

    Retrofits, Refurbishment, Expansion, Rebuilding

    Retrofits, Refurbishment, Expansion, Rebuilding

    We at I.C.E. AG are fired with enthusiasm when it comes to retrofits, refurbishing, replacing and expanding waste incineration plants, waste-to-energy power plants, biomass and sewage sludge incineration plants. That is because the plants, their ...

  • Raschka Engineering Ltd
    based in Ennetbürgen, SWITZERLAND

    Raschka Engineering previously known as Lonza Engineering is now reflecting the superior and well known Raschka FBI technology in its name. The company employs currently 115 people with offices in Ennetbürgen (Switzerland) and Guangzhou/Tianjin/Wuxi ...

  • SEEN Technologie sp. z o.o.
    based in Warszawa, POLAND

    SEEN Technologie is a company of innovative technologies, realizing complex environmental protection projects both in Poland and abroad. Since 1990, the company has been specializing in water treatment technologies, waste water treatment and sludge ...

  • EasyMining - Ragn-Sells Group
    based in Uppsala, SWEDEN

    EasyMining focuses on technologies for the recovery and recycling of nutrients. EasyMining is passionate about inventing new technology that uses intelligent chemical solutions to close nutrient cycles. Our objective is to create new circular ...

  • KMT GmbH
    based in Munich, GERMANY

    Küttner and Martin have long-standing experience as plant manufacturers in their respective fields of activity. KÜTTNER contributes fluidized-bed technology, tried and tested for the thermal treatment of sewage sludge, as well as expertise in the ...

  • Stiefel Holding AG
    based in Wetzikon, SWITZERLAND

    Since inauguration in 1973, the STIEFEL group has been involved in energy and environmental technology. The company is owned by the founding family with management now in the second generation. Numerous inno-vations and patented technologies in the ...

  • Keppel Seghers Pte Ltd
    based in , SINGAPORE

    Keppel Seghers, a member of the Keppel Infrastructure group, is the environmental technology arm of Keppel Corporation, a multinational conglomerate listed in Singapore. In the 1970s, Seghers Engineering NV focused on wastewater treatment with ...

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