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Waste-To-Power Articles & Analysis

9 articles found
  • Electric Auxiliary Boilers Reduce Cold Startup Time of Combined Cycle Gas Turbines

    Today, combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) plants play a critical role in providing power grids with additional electricity during peak periods of high demand. By harnessing the energy from both combustion and steam turbines. CCGT plants use less fuel overall and can run longer than traditional "peaker' plants to produce cheaper electricity on demand. Depending on the condition of the region's ...

    By Acme Engineering Prod. Ltd.

  • The Different Parts of a Continuous Pyrolysis Plant

    Continuous pyrolysis plants can be a new technology that may be getting used to transform biomass into biofuels. This kind of plant has a number of parts that really work together to generate a sustainable and efficient alternative energy source. In this particular post, you'll discover the various parts of a continuous pyrolysis plant and the way they function. How Can a Continuous Pyrolysis ...

    By Beston Group Co., Ltd.

  • AIShred RDF&SRF Alternative Fuel Technology

    Internationally, Refuse Derived Fuel (hereinafter referred to as "RDF") is regarded as a new way of waste harmless, recycling and reduction. It has been widely used in cement, power generation and other industries. It is green, environmentally friendly, high quality and low price Alternative fuels (SRF/RDF) are the new trend of the future. The preparation of waste-derived fuel RDF is not limited ...

  • Kennecott Utah Copper Refinery - 6-MW CHP System - Case Study

    Quick Facts LOCATION: Salt Lake County, Utah MARKET SECTOR: Primary metals CHP IN OPERATION SINCE: 2010 EQUIPMENT: Gas compressor, Solar Taurus 60 turbine generator, HRSG, supplemental burner ELECTRIC NAMEPLATE CAPACITY: 7.6 MW AVERAGE ELECTRIC OUTPUT: 6 MW USE OF THERMAL ENERGY: 70,000 lbs/hour of 50-psi process steam PRIMARY FUEL: Natural gas (300 psi) TOTAL EFFICIENCY: 80-82% TOTAL PROJECT ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated

  • Avoiding the Power Grid with Renewable Energy

    For approximately one hundred years, thriving countries have been dependent on only one form of distributing power; electricity sent over large transmission grids from plants generating electricity, to customers in businesses, homes, and factories. Generators extract energy from rooftop solar panels, garbage, and sewage, which replace or assist coal, nuclear, and natural gas plants. A diverse ...

    By Greenshine New Energy LLC

  • Jandakot Bioenergy Plant - Case Study

    Biogass Renewables undertook the development, design, finance, build, commission and operational support for the Jandakot Bioenergy Plant – processing Australian Commercial and industrial organic waste streams to power generation, Biogass Renewables handled all, approvals from planning to DER (EPA) including grid connection and sale of the renewable power generated on site. ...

  • Increase in capacity of an incinerator

    In addition to its own and external products, system providers involved in the project business also provide process knowledge and complete projects refined to the last detail. The standard is high. Their own knowledge combined with the supplier’s knowledge leads to a complete solution. From the delivery of the components to their installation, trial operation and commissioning, all the ...

    By Sera GmbH

  • Move over Star Trek: Here comes Energy

    By Elisa Wood September 22, 2010 Remember when the idea of generating electricity from wind turbines and solar panels seemed really cool? No denying their benefits, but they are sooo last year. Energy folks have gazed with envy at those who work in telecommunications for a long time. They invented the cell phone. Energy wanted its own thingamabob that would completely revolutionize its ...

  • Focus Bioenergy No 6 2004: Waste - a source of energy of growing significance

    We have to use the earth’s resources sparingly. Waste products that society generates can be recycled or used as a source of energy. Heat and electricity from waste combustion and biogas from digestion contribute some 8 TWh annually in Sweden. Waste stands for about 2 percent of used fuels in Swedish district heating. The importance of waste will rise rapidly in the near future. The potential for ...

    By Elmia AB

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