Alfa Chemistry

Alfa Chemistry

Alfa Chemistry Releases Petrochemical Standards for Fuels and Hydrocarbons Testing


Source: Alfa Chemistry

Petrochemical products are an integral part of modern societies. To help researchers assess the quality of these commodities, Alfa Chemistry, one of the most popular suppliers of analytical reagents, recently announced the release of a new line of petrochemical standards, which can be used to analyze and test petroleum, gasoline, fuels, hydrocarbons and many other types of petrochemical-relevant substances.

The global economies are heavily dependent on petrochemicals. Experts believe petrochemicals will exert more influence on future energy systems as they have already found use in solar panels, wind turbine blades, batteries, and many other energy applications.

“While petrochemical products are extensively applied in various industrial scenarios, researchers need to evaluate their physical and chemical properties accurately and efficiently to ensure their safety and efficiency in use,” says one senior scientist from Alfa Chemistry. “Therefore, we designed and launched a comprehensive line of petrochemical standards. Hopefully, these reagents and standards will do a job in facilitating accurate chromatography-based detection protocols for petrochemicals.”

The petrochemical standards provided by Alfa Chemistry are suitable for petroleum and environmental testing by different analytical methods such as GC-MS or GC-FID. Some of them are listed below:

Nonane (CAS 111-84-2), 1,7-hexadecadiene (CAS 125110-62-5), tetratriacontane (CAS 14167-59-0), tetracontane (CAS 4181-95-7), hexadecane (CAS 544-76-3), dotriacontane (CAS 544-85-4), tetrapentacontane (CAS 5856-66-6), tridecane (CAS 629-50-5), pentacosane (CAS 629-99-2), hexacosane (CAS 630-01-3), nonacosane (CAS 630-03-5), hentriacontane (CAS 630-04-6), tritriacontane (CAS 630-05-7), hexatriacontane (CAS 630-06-8), pentatriacontane (CAS 630-07-9), triacontane (CAS 638-68-6), dotetracontane (CAS 7098-20-6), tetratetracontane (CAS 7098-22-8), hexatetracontane (CAS 7098-24-0), octatetracontane (CAS 7098-26-2), heptatriacontane (CAS 7194-84-5), etc.

As always, Alfa Chemistry is at the forefront of technical innovation, strictly follows regulatory compliance, and strives to provide the best quality chromatography reagents and standards for customers worldwide. All reference standards are subjected to rigorous quality assurance checks prior to shipment. Visit to learn more.

About Alfa Chemistry

As a chemical supplier with almost two decades of experience in the industry, Alfa Chemistry is fully aware of the challenges facing analytical testing. Hence, it supplies a comprehensive range of reliable, high-purity reagents and standards for both manufacturers and analytical testing laboratories worldwide. Until now, a full range of certified reference materials for chromatography are available at Alfa Chemistry. Meanwhile, additional new product lines are gradually added to better serve the analytical science community.

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