ANDRITZ Separation - ANDRITZ Group

ANDRITZ Separation - ANDRITZ Group

ANDRITZ to modernize three hydropower stations in Latin America


Source: ANDRITZ Separation - ANDRITZ Group

ANDRITZ HYDRO, part of international technology Group ANDRITZ, will equip three hydropower stations in Brazil and Nicaragua with new technologies and carry out extensive modernization work there. The aggregate order value amounts to approximately 70 million euros.

COPEL (Companhia Paranaense de Energia), Brazil, ordered modernization of the Governor Bento Munhoz da Rocha Netto hydropower plant (total output: 1,676 megawatts), located on the Iguaçu River. By 2022, ANDRITZ HYDRO will deliver four new Francis runners with increased efficiency and improved cavitation behavior, including new speed and voltage regulators.

ENEL (Empresa Nicaragüense de Electricidad), Nicaragua, ordered the modernization of the Carlos Fonseca and Centroamérica hydropower stations, located in the La Rauda valley. ANDRITZ HYDRO will supply the electrical equipment, including new switchgears, main transformers, medium- and low-voltage equipment, as well as protection, excitation, control, and automation systems. The scope of supply also includes repair and renovation work to the spherical valves, butterfly valves, and gates. The Carlos Fonseca and Centroamérica hydropower stations will be put again into commercial operation in 2017 and 2018, respectively.

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