World Bioenergy Association (WBA)

World Bioenergy Association (WBA)

Biofuel use to double 2015


Source: World Bioenergy Association (WBA)

Global biofuel use is expected to increase twofold by 2015 and Brazil will remain the world's top exporter of biofuel, according to a report released Wednesday by Hart Energy Consulting. The U.S. is expected to see the largest increase in biofuel use per country, increasing its current consumption by more than 30 percent, according to data from the 'Global Biofuels Outlook: 2009-2015' report. 'Global ethanol demand will represent 12 to 14 percent of the global gasoline pool by 2015,' said the report. In terms of which kind of biofuel will make it to the forefront of production, Hart predicted that palm oil biodiesel, rapeseed biodiesel, and first-generation ethanol will dominate.

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