Industrial Motor Power Corporation

Industrial Motor Power Corporation

Caterpillar’s G3520 is a globally recognized symbol of versatility in power generation


Source: Industrial Motor Power Corporation

Caterpillar’s G3520 is a globally recognized symbol of versatility in power generation.  What makes these powerful generators so attractive is the wide variety of applications for which they’re appropriate. The G3520 series (both the G3520E and the G3520C) are commonly used in projects involving combined heat and power (CHP) systems, industries such as mining, data centers, and emergency backup centers

G3520 Efficiency and Specifications

The G3520 models are operated globally due to its availability in both 50Hz and 60Hz. Its function is optimal for standby, prime and continuous applications with ratings ranging from 2000 to 3000 eKW.  The G3520E runs exclusively on natural gas, where the G3520C is capable of running on natural gas, biogas, and coal gas.  Certainly no small piece of equipment, each generator is 251 inches in length, 79 inches height, and 79 inches in width.  The dry weight of the G3520 generator set is 37,959 pounds.

The efficiency of these generators is yet another attractive feature where the G3520E and G3520C hold a maximum efficiency of 42.4% and 40.4% respectively. Each generator set is equipped with the respective G3520 engine and a SR4B generator, which are specifically designed for high efficiency by matching the performance and output characteristics of CAT gas engines.  What’s more, the unit meets nearly all worldwide emissions requirements down to 0.5 g/bhp-hr Nox level without aftertreatment.

G3520’s Standard Equipment

Each G3520 generator set is equipped with an EMCP II+ control panel, 24V starting motors, CAT’s very own digital voltage regulator (CDVR), water pumps for cooling–which are engine driven, exhausted manifolds that are insulated and protected, an electric fuel metering valve and of course each unit comes in the globally-known Caterpillar Yellow.

IMP currently has the following G3520 units available for immediate shipping:

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