Matthews Environmental Solutions

Matthews Environmental Solutions

Desert island dream … or environmental nightmare?


Source: Matthews Environmental Solutions

How municipal waste incineration could help stem this looming disaster

Ask people to name what they would describe as their dream island destination and the chances are that The Maldives would be up there near the top of the list.  Yet the ugly truth behind those idyllic palm fringed beaches, clear seas and luxury designer chalets is that almost within a stone’s throw there is an unfolding apocalyptical nightmare of mounting waste.

The problem developing within so many archipelagos of small islands is that there simply isn’t the space resource for landfill and as a consequence the only solution to date has been to dump the waste … out of sight (and quite possibly out of mind).  

There is a better, more environmentally acceptable solution however, with a range of municipal waste incineration technology options that are readily available from Matthews Environmental Solutions.

Today the mounting problem of waste disposal has become a leading topic for environmental campaigners as well as for diverse communities all across the world.  We agree that this is a major global concern, but it has become even more of a disaster for those smaller communities that simply do not have the facilities for landfill.

At Matthews Environmental Solutions we have a long history of assisting such communities resolve their waste disposal problems in an ethical and environmentally responsible way by using simple, robust, small-scale waste incineration equipment.

We have advised and assisted hundreds of local businesses, communities, industries, plus countless municipal and health authorities to overcome their growing waste disposal dilemma.

Within our allburn® and Surefire® waste incinerator options we have a number of solutions designed to suit virtually every requirement regarding volume, capacity and capability including local facilities and budget.  We can also design and engineer customised and bespoke solutions to match the most demanding needs.

Matthews’ municipal waste incineration technology is fully proven across all areas of the world, including in many of the most remote and unsupported locations.  It is clear however, that there is still much more to be done and we are perfectly placed to work with authorities, communities and industry anywhere on earth to resolve these problems.  Our capabilities of course mean we can support a more rounded solution with the potential for cost-effective energy recovery capable of providing heating, hot water, hot air and even electricity as a by-product of the incineration process and to add to the value of the waste management strategy.

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