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DNV GL's 2018 Battery Performance Scorecard
Source: Smart Grid Observer
April 2, 2019 -- DNV GL's first annual Battery Performance Scorecard provides independent ranking and evaluation of battery vendors based on testing performed in DNV GL's laboratories.
Advances in battery technology are accelerating, and lithium chemistries lead the way. Energy densities are increasing, cell weights are decreasing and battery lives are lengthening, all at a dramatic rate. Costs, too, have declined, and the number of profitable energy storage applications has risen.
The 2018 Battery Performance Scorecard - which stems from DNV GL's deep experience in battery testing at its BEST Test & Commercialization Center in Rochester, New York - will provide confidence in the quickly growing battery market and provide a roadmap for battery buyers to manage and operate specific battery technologies and estimate warranties and replacement costs.
Dowload copy of report (registration required)
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