AMETEK Spectro Scientific

AMETEK Spectro Scientific


Effects of Biodiesel Feedstocks on Infrared Blend Measurements Featured in New White Paper


Source: AMETEK Spectro Scientific

February 2, 2012 - East Norwalk, CT -- A new White Paper published by Wilks Enterprise addresses the common concern among biodiesel blenders and distributors as to whether or not biodiesel made from different feedstocks such as soy, waste vegetable oil or palm oil will affect the blend measurement.  The data presented in the White Paper, as well as the chemistry, shows that infrared measurements offer a reliable analytical technique for checking biodiesel blend.

Fuel blend analysis is important as the use of biodiesel as a diesel additive has increased dramatically over the past few years and will likely continue to increase.  For fuel blenders, this means an added challenge to avoid an incorrect blend that could lead to regulatory fines, loss of customer confidence and damage to equipment. 

Portable infrared analyzers such as the InfraCal Biodiesel Blend Analyzer offer a simple, accurate and low cost solution to on-site blend testing at locations such as the blending rack.  The resulting costs of an incorrect blend can far out way the modest cost of an on-site biodiesel blend analyzer.  With many already in use at petroleum terminals and by regulatory agencies, the InfraCal Biodiesel Blend Analyzer has proven to be a reliable tool to ensure blend accuracy.

For a copy of the White Paper and further information on the InfraCal Biodiesel Blend Analyzer for measuring blend ratio, please contact Wilks Enterprise, Inc., 25 Van Zant Street, Ste. 8F,      E. Norwalk, CT  06855 USA, TEL: 203-855-9136; FAX: 203-838-9868, Email:; Web site:, or download the White Paper directly at



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