Bergeson & Campbell, P.C.

Bergeson & Campbell, P.C.

EU Ethanol Industry Pushes Back Against EC’s Low-Emission Mobility Strategy


On September 21, 2016, Pannonia Ethanol, a Hungarian biofuels company, spoke out against the European Commission's (EC) Low-Emission Mobility Strategy . The strategy recognizes the importance of biofuels in reducing road emissions, and plans on replacing ethanol that is currently being blended into traditional fuels with advanced biofuels. This has spurred concerns for the ethanol industry, as ethanol is increasingly phased out of government emission reduction initiatives in favor of advanced biofuels. Mark Turley, CEO of Ethanol Europe, said of the new strategy, 'Incentives and policy support are essential to develop [a European Union] advanced biofuel industry. However, the Commission's new strategy lacks realism, further undermines confidence and is incapable of delivering the emission reduction targets set out.'

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