Biodiesel Articles & Analysis

272 news items found
  • D7094 Flashpoint Method Accepted For ASTM D7467 Biodiesel Blend Specifications

    AMETEK Grabner Instruments’ ASTM D7094 flashpoint method made history in 2013, when ASTM members accepted the method for ASTM Diesel Fuel and Kerosene specifications. Recently, ASTM members expressed their confidence again in the method and voted to include the flashpoint method in ASTM D7467 Biodiesel (B6 to B20) specifications. A inter-laboratory study in 2013 using AMETEK Grabner ...

    By Grabner Instruments - AMETEK

  • Safeway converts US trucking fleet to biodiesel

    Safeway Inc. announced Friday that it has converted its entire U.S. truck fleet to cleaner-burning biodiesel fuel. The company will use B20, a blend of 20 percent biodiesel and 80 percent diesel, in its fleet of more than 1,000 trucks. Biodiesel is made from renewable resources such as fats and vegetable oils. Blends of up to 20 percent can be used in any diesel engine with no need for ...

  • 17th European biomass conference & exhibition - From research to industry and markets. CCH - congress center Hamburg, Germany

    - 270 Plenary and Oral Presentations - Diversity of Conference Program: - Highly sophisticated research and engineering issues - In-depth analysis of market environment related topics - Changes and development of the political framework- 15% of Presentations about Biofuels- Great opportunity to get a holistic overview over all aspects of biomass Florence/Munich, 1st June 2009 – The 17th ...

  • ADM to Build Biodiesel Plant in Lloydminster, Canada

    Archer Daniels Midland Company (NYSE: ADM) today announced that it will build a 265 million liter (70 million gallon) biodiesel plant in Lloydminster, Alberta, Canada, which will increase ADM’s North American biodiesel production capacity by 50 percent. The biodiesel plant will be located adjacent to the company’s existing canola crushing facility in ...

    By Archer Daniels Midland (ADM)

  • NREL survey shows dramatic improvement in B100 Biodiesel Quality

    The latest national survey of 100% biodiesel (B100) "blend stock" samples by the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) found that 95% of the samples from 2011-12 met ASTM International fuel quality specifications. The ASTM standards serve as guidelines for industry and are designed to ensure quality at the pump for consumers – along with reliable ...

  • Waste tea leaves could brew up biofuel

    [ISLAMABAD] Waste tea leaves could be a cheap source of biofuel that does not compromise food security, according to Pakistani scientists. Researchers from the Nanoscience and Catalysis Division at Quaid-i-Azam University used a nanocatalyst, metal nanoparticles that accelerate reactions, to produce biodiesel from used tea leaves. 'The world today is consuming several million tonnes of tea ...

    By SciDev.Net

  • On-site measurement of ethanol in gasoline and water in ethanol or methanol

    Two portable, easy-to-use mid-IR analyzers for use by producers, distributors, fleet managers, or regulators to measure the percent ethanol in gasoline and/or water in ethanol or methanol are available from Wilks Enterprise, Inc. They are rugged, compact instruments for use by non-technical personnel and give a direct readout in percent ethanol or percent water in under a minute. This provides ...

    By AMETEK Spectro Scientific

  • Making Way for Biodiesel

    A major revision to ASTM International’s standard D396, Specification for Fuel Oils, sets performance specifications for higher amounts of biodiesel blends in conventional fuels. The new grade of B6-B20 could have a significant impact on the heating oil industry while also helping to meet growing consumer and regulatory demand for cleaner-burning low-carbon fuels. The revised standard will ...

    By ASTM International

  • EPA grants BRAG petition requesting partial CDR Exemptions for Biodiesel Products

    On January 16, 2015, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) granted a petition from the Biobased and Renewable Products Advocacy Group (BRAG) to add "biodiesel" as a chemical category for partial reporting exemption at 40 C.F.R. Section 711.6(b)(2)(iv) under the Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) rule and will be proceeding with a direct final rule to be published later in January. The ...

    By Acta Group

  • Mid-IR analyzers help biodiesel plants avoid illegal discharge of oil/grease

    The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has established limitation guidelines for discharges of “oily wastes” from facilities utilizing any type of oil and grease in their manufacturing process. However, recently several biodiesel plants in the US have been fined for illegally discharging vegetable-based oil and grease and polluting nearby streams. While biodiesel plants are new to the ...

    By AMETEK Spectro Scientific

  • Response to Lawrence Solomon Opinion piece in Financial

    Facts matter – and Lawrence Solomon is missing some important ones. Canadian biofuels have been scientifically proven to substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Corn ethanol generates up to 62% less emissions than fossil fuels, with cellulosic ethanol producing up to 87% less, and biodiesel – which can be made from used animal fats – by over 100% less emissions than ...

    By Renewable Industries Canada

  • Algae Oil to Biodiesel: A Practical Application

    Within the All-Gas Project of Europe’s 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development, BDI-BioEnergy International demonstrates algae oil extraction, characterization and conversion to biodiesel using its RepCat process. The usage of algae oil as a feedstock for renewable fuel is present in the literature, but less information is available when it comes to ...

  • Portable Biodiesel Refinery on Display at GLOBE 2016

    Visitors to the GLOBE Innovation Expo will get an up-close look at a made-in-B.C. portable biofuel refinery built inside a standard 20-foot shipping container. BioCube has successfully deployed its refinery on remote sites in The Congo, in India, and elsewhere around the world to produce fossil-free fuel for heavy equipment and power generation. The BioCube will be exhibited at GLOBE 2016 ...

    By GLOBE Series

  • New Global Winners in Alternative Fuels Emerge As Capacity Grows to 54.1 Billion Gallons in 2015

    Capacity for alternative fuels such as ethanol, biodiesel, and renewable diesel is at 44.6 billion gallons a year in 2011, but systemic hurdles will constrain their growth to under 5% annually through 2015. But pockets of promising growth still exist as variations in local policy, demand, and feedstock availability mean that new nations will arise as global ...

    By Lux Research

  • BP and Martek Biosciences enter a joint development agreement to deliver advanced biodiesels

    BP and Martek Biosciences Corporation (Nasdaq: MATK), have announced the signing of a Joint Development Agreement (JDA) to work on the production of microbial oils for biofuels applications. The partnership combines a broad technology platform and operational capabilities to advance the development of a step-change technology for the conversion of sugars into biodiesel. Under the terms of the ...

    By BP - British Petroleum

  • Biggest US biodiesel plant opens in Houston

    A former waste oil and chemical refinery has been transformed over the past year into a zero emissions biodiesel production plant in Houston. When GreenHunter Energy opened the $70 million biodiesel refinery and glycerin distillery Monday, Texas Governor Rick Perry was on hand. 'The transformation of an old waste-oil refinery into a renewable fuel campus is symbolic of our state's commitment ...

  • Biofuels 2007 Announcement - 29-31 October 2007, Vienna, Austria

    BIOFUELS 2007 29-31 October 2007, Marriott Hotel, Vienna Building on the highly successful 2006 European Biofuels Forum which attracted over 300 attendees from 36 countries, The World Refining Association is delighted to announce that Biofuels 2007 will be taking place on 29-31 October in Vienna, Austria. Energy security issues, government policies and the strive towards more ...

    By World Refining Association

  • Karanj and Jatropha: Key Elements of New Biofuel Mission in India

    Karanj and Jatropha are the two plants India is emphasizing on for promoting alternative energy sources, as the country launches a nationwide biofuel mission. A committee of experts was set up by the Federal Planning Commission, which will study and suggest measures for the promotion of biofuels’ development. In a recent report submitted by the committee before the commission, the ...

    By RNCOS

  • Neste’s Renewable Diesel Is Now Available In Italian Alps, Will Power Marcialonga Cross-Country Ski

    On January 26, 2016, Biobased and Renewable Products Advocacy Group (BRAG®) member Neste Oil announced that Tamoil has begun selling arctic diesel containing renewable diesel produced by Neste in the northern Italian Alps region. The fuel, Gasolio Artico Tamoil - New Generation Diesel, will contain at least 20 percent renewable diesel and will reduce emissions while providing excellent ...

    By Bergeson & Campbell, P.C.

  • EPA Signs Final Rule Granting Partial CDR Exemptions For Biodiesel Products

    On March 23, 2016, Bloomberg BNA Daily Environment Report announced that EPA signed a final rule exempting manufacturers of six biodiesel chemicals from reporting processing and use information under the Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) rule under Section 8(a) of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). In 2014, BRAG filed a regulatory petition to exempt the chemicals, requesting the same exemption ...

    By Bergeson & Campbell, P.C.

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