Biodiesel Blending Articles & Analysis
Easy-to-use infrared analyzers help ensure accurate biodiesel blend through distribution pipeline
A major petroleum terminal recently began successfully transporting blended biodiesel through a distribution pipeline. Extensive tests on the biodiesel blend were conducted at the beginning and end of the pipeline to ensure the biodiesel met blend specifications. The instruments used for the testing were an InfraSpec VFA-IR Spectrometer and an InfraCal Biodiesel Blend Analyzer, both manufactured ...
Effects of Biodiesel Feedstocks on Infrared Blend Measurements Featured in New White Paper
A new White Paper published by Wilks Enterprise addresses the common concern among biodiesel blenders and distributors as to whether or not biodiesel made from different feedstocks such as soy, waste vegetable oil or palm oil will affect the blend measurement. The data presented in the White Paper, as well as the chemistry, shows that infrared measurements offer a reliable analytical technique ...
Oxidation stability: 893 Professional Biodiesel Rancimat with new StabNet software launched
The Biodiesel Rancimat has become the preferred instrument for determining the oxidation stability of biodiesel and biodiesel blends according to EN 14112 and EN 15751. Metrohm now launches the 893 Professional Biodiesel Rancimat, the latest generation of this widely popular instrument including the completely new StabNet software. One of the most important new features of the 893 Professional ...
By Metrohm AG
Fast, accurate measurement of biodiesel blend ratios
Since current tax incentives and government regulations are based on % biofuel, it is important to have easy-to-use measurement systems to ensure proper blend ratios. With the portable InfraCal Biodiesel Blend Analyzer, from Wilks Enterprise, accurate blend ratio measurements can be obtained in under a minute. The InfraCal Analyzer is rugged, compact, and easy to use by non-technical personnel. ...
The Mesa has a new name
HORIBA Scientific (USA) and Olympus/Innov-X Corporation (Waltham, MA) have changed the name of the MESA-6000 to the MESA-7220 to reflect the recently published revision of ASTM D7220-06 (now D7220-12), the Standard Test Method for Sulphur in Automotive, Heating, and Jet Fuels by Monochromatic Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry by ASTM International. The expanded method allows the ...
NYC Passes Legislation Increasing Allowed Biodiesel In Heating Oil Blend
On September 28, 2016, the City of New York passed a bill, 47 to three, increasing the amount of biodiesel in the city’s heating oil. Heating oil in New York City currently contains two percent biodiesel, which will increase to five percent on October 1, 2017, ten percent in 2025, 15 percent in 2030, and 20 percent in 2034. The first increase from a two to five percent biodiesel blend is ...
Oxidation stability: 893 Professional Biodiesel Rancimat with new StabNet software launched
The Biodiesel Rancimat has become the preferred instrument for determining the oxidation stability of biodiesel and biodiesel blends according to EN 14112 and EN 15751. Metrohm now launches the 893 Professional Biodiesel Rancimat, the latest generation of this widely popular instrument including the completely new StabNet software. One of the most important new features of the 893 Professional ...
Pending ASTM Biodiesel Blend Method for Filter-Based IR Analyzers
Currently, Methods D7371 and EN 14078 require FTIR spectrometers for biodiesel blend analysis. Placing expensive equipment at a loading dock to ensure biodiesel blend accuracy is not a preferred choice of terminal operators. In addition to the cost associated with FTIR spectrometers, the level of technical knowledge required to operate them presents another issue. Filter-based infrared analyzers, ...
New York Governor signs bill on bioheating fuel requirements
The National Biodiesel Board (NBB) announced that on September 13, 2017, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed legislation that introduces bioheating fuel tax credits and bioheating fuel tax requirements to three New York counties. The bill (S5422A) requires all home heating oil sold for use in Nassau, Suffolk, and Westchester counties on or after July 1, 2018, to contain at least five percent ...
D7094 Flashpoint Method Accepted For ASTM D7467 Biodiesel Blend Specifications
AMETEK Grabner Instruments’ ASTM D7094 flashpoint method made history in 2013, when ASTM members accepted the method for ASTM Diesel Fuel and Kerosene specifications. Recently, ASTM members expressed their confidence again in the method and voted to include the flashpoint method in ASTM D7467 Biodiesel (B6 to B20) specifications. A inter-laboratory study in 2013 using AMETEK Grabner ...
Iowa Legislature Unanimously Votes To Extend Renewable Fuels Infrastructure Program
On April 27, 2016, the Iowa Senate voted 49-0 to extend the Renewable Fuels Infrastructure Program (RFIP) through June 30, 2017. The legislation, House File 2464, was passed by the Iowa House 94-0 and provides funding for cost-share grants to upgrade fueling infrastructure. RFIP covers up to 70 percent of the installation cost of E15, E85, or biodiesel blend fuel pumps for Iowa retailers, up to ...
Announcing Bioheat Northeast Conference Agenda and Program
Pittsburgh in the fall. That's where you need to be to get the latest information on biodiesel-blended heating oil, the most promising residential heating alternative on the market. The oilheat industry has latched onto biodiesel as THE No. 1 green path forward for its industry. In order for this to happen -- and in order for the oilheat industry to outperform natural gas on performance and ...
Vehicle and engine manufacturers publish new biofuel guidelines
Global automobile and engine producers have developped recommendations for ethanol and biodiesel when blended with gasoline and diesel fuel. Fuel quality experts from Europe (ACEA), the US and Japan joined in producing the new Biofuel Guidelines. The Guidelines apply to pure ethanol (E100) blended with gasoline at levels up to 10% by volume and to pure biodiesel (B100) blended with diesel fuel ...
Easy, on-site percent biodiesel in diesel measurements
Wilks Enterprise has introduced a portable infrared analyzer for measuring the biodiesel blend ratio. Since tax incentives and government regulations are often based on % biofuel, it is important to have an accurate measurement system. The InfraCal Filtometer is rugged, compact, portable and easy to use by non-technical personnel. It gives a direct readout in % biodiesel allowing the user the ...
Minnesota Doubles Summer Biofuel Mandate for Diesel
On August 3, 2017, Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton announced that the state will implement a new biodiesel standard in May 2018 that will increase the biodiesel blend mandate from 10 percent (B10) to 20 percent (B20) between April and September each year. Currently under the state’s biodiesel program, diesel fuel sold in Minnesota must contain at least 10 percent biodiesel during the summer ...
Manitoba Government Working on Amendments to Biofuels Mandates
The government of Manitoba, Canada, is currently working to amend three regulations under the Biofuels Act. The amendments will update Manitoba’s clean fuel standards by increasing the ethanol and renewable fuel content in gasoline. The proposed amendments include: “Ethanol General Regulation is amended to: Include the latest fuel standards for ethanol blended gasoline; Remove ...
Increased Capability for Oil in Water and Biodiesel Blend Measurements with New InfraCal 2 Analyzer
The new InfraCal 2 Analyzer, recently introduced by Wilks, offers additional features to the already established and accepted InfraCal Oil in Water Analyzers and InfraCal Biodiesel Blend Analyzers. These features include better repeatability, multiple calibrations, unlimited data storage, optional internal battery pack, touch screen display, and password protection for instrument settings. The ...
MASBDA Announces Availability of Grants for Biofuel Entities
On June 4, 2020, the Missouri Agricultural and Small Business Development Authority (MASBDA) announced the creation of the Biofuel Infrastructure Program (BIP). Designed to increase the availability of higher blends of ethanol and biodiesel in Missouri, BIP partners with private entities to support biofuel producers in applying for U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development’s ...
NREL survey shows dramatic improvement in B100 Biodiesel Quality
The latest national survey of 100% biodiesel (B100) "blend stock" samples by the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) found that 95% of the samples from 2011-12 met ASTM International fuel quality specifications. The ASTM standards serve as guidelines for industry and are designed to ensure quality at the pump for consumers – along with reliable ...
Canada`s 5% Renewable Fuels Standard Gets Green Light
Release of milestone regulations will deliver on promise of economic growth & GHG reductions OTTAWA, ONTARIO - The Government of Canada today released its final regulations requiring ethanol and biodiesel blended transportation fuels in Canada. "This is a milestone day for renewable fuels in Canada," said Gordon Quaiattini, President of the Canadian Renewable Fuels Association. "These ...
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