Clean Fuel Articles & Analysis

358 news items found
  • Announcing Clean Fuels 2007

    IntertechPira announces its thirteenth international fuels conference under the co-chairmanship of Arthur Suchanek, retired Vice President, Technology for Criterion Catalyst Co. and Lester Wyborny II, Engineering Specialist for the EPA’s Nat’l Vehicle and Fuels Emissions Lab. This 2 day event will feature 15 presentations focused on how the oil and auto industries --along with ...

    By Smithers

  • Clean Fuels 2007 ~ The Race to Produce New Fuels for New Engines

    Set for San Antonio, Texas this June! PORTLAND, Maine, USA - IntertechPira has announced that its clean fuels forum and business development conference, Clean Fuels 2007--The Race to Produce New Fuels for New Engines, will be held on June 25-26, 2007 at the Hilton Palacio del Rio in San Antonio, Texas. Conference co-chairs are Arthur Suchanek, former Vice President Technology, Criterion Catalyst ...

    By Smithers

  • Canada Announces Proposed Clean Fuel Regulations

    On December 19, 2020, the Government of Canada’s Department of the Environment published a proposed rule titled Clean Fuel Regulations. The proposed rule addresses Canada’s concerns in achieving its net-zero emissions by 2050 under the Paris Agreement. In an effort to reduce the largest sources of greenhouse gases (GHG), the Clean Fuel Regulations would require liquid fossil fuel ...

    By Bergeson & Campbell, P.C.

  • Reinventing America for a bright green future

    Glenn Croston's blog at Fast Company As the Great Recession slowly recedes it’s clear that we’re not going back to the world of 2006. The world has changed, whether we like it or not. But where exactly are we going? In his State of the Union Address tonight, President Obama spoke about reinventing America to compete in this new world, about investing in innovation to move our country ...

    By 3BL Media

  • Canadian Authorities Release Draft National Clean Fuel Standard

    Last Friday, Canadian authorities released for public comment a draft Clean Fuel Standard that requires liquid fuel producers to reduce the carbon content of fuels used in Canada. Low-carbon fuels like renewable natural gas (RNG) are expected to benefit from the programs by generating credits that can be purchased by covered fuel producers. The proposal demonstrates the Government of ...

    By The Transport Project

  • Reinventing America for a bright green future

    Glenn Croston's blog at Fast Company As the Great Recession slowly recedes it’s clear that we’re not going back to the world of 2006. The world has changed, whether we like it or not. But where exactly are we going? In his State of the Union Address tonight, President Obama spoke about reinventing America to compete in this new world, about investing in innovation to move our country ...

    By 3BL Media

  • RICanada Statement in Response to the Federal Clean Fuel Standard Update

    Renewable Industries Canada (RICanada) supports the Government of Canada’s decision to develop regulations for a Federal Clean Fuel Standard (CFS) for liquid transportation fuels, followed by gaseous and solid fuels. A CFS for liquid transportation fuels prioritizes lowering greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Canada’s largest emitting sector. With similar policies in other ...

    By Renewable Industries Canada

  • UK government urged to set up green loans

    Written by Emily Thomas Energy saving techniques based on the natural process of photosynthesis could be used to make future properties more sustainable if an experiment is successful. Researchers at Imperial College London are currently working on the £1 million artifical leaf project, the Guardian reported. Scientists are hoping to mimic how plants use sunlight and water to create sugar, ...

    By Energy Saving Trust

  • Canada Announces “The Hydrogen Strategy”

    Today's launch of the Hydrogen Strategy for Canada by the Honourable Seamus O'Regan was fantastic news for the country. A federal investment of $1.5B into a Low-Carbon and Zero-Emissions Fuels Fund coupled with the Clean Fuel Standard will help grow the country's economy. Additionally this incentive could potentially reduce annual GHG emissions by up to 45M tonnes/yr by 2030, while creating up to ...

    By Hydra Energy

  • Copenhagen’s Steeper Energy Aps participating in Hydrothermal Liquefaction R&D project C3BO in collaboration with Aalborg University and other international research groups

    Copenhagen Denmark – January 1, 2014 – Steeper Energy Aps, a Danish-Canadian clean-fuel company, is pleased to announce that the company is participating in the C3BO initiative lead by Aalborg University. The C3BO initiative is a collaborative effort between international companies and institutions with an objective to develop and demonstrate sustainable, high-efficiency hydrothermal ...

    By Steeper Energy

  • BP will update its clean fuel project strategy in Australia, according to a report.

    BP Plc (LON:BP) has announced a revision of its plans for clean fuel and hydrogen production at the former oil refinery site in Western Australia. Despite bioenergy being a key component of BP's strategy, the company has decided to reschedule the Kwinana renewable fuels project, as reported by Bloomberg. Since June, BP has implemented job cuts and halted 30 projects as part of a ...

    By BP - British Petroleum

  • Clean Energy & BP ink agreement to boost renewable natural gas supply

    Clean Energy Fuels Corp. – a California-based renewable natural gas (RNG) fuel provider for transportation, and BP Plc, a renowned multinational oil and gas company have reportedly announced that they have signed an agreement to boost the supply of RNG for Clean Energy. Reports cite, the boost in the supply would significantly increase Clean Energy’s vast fueling infrastructure ...

    By Global Market Insights Inc.

  • Tennessee Clean Fuels Inducts Natural Gas Fleets into Tennessee Green Fleets Program

    Tennessee Clean Fuels recently inducted two new fleets into the “Tennessee Green Fleets” Certification Program for their use of natural gas vehicles. The fleets were recognized at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville during the fourth annual Sustainable Transportation Forum & Expo, which is managed by the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC), Tennessee ...

    By The Transport Project

  • Copenhagen’s Steeper Energy Aps awarded 17,280,000 DKK grant from the Danish Department of Energy (EUDP)

    Copenhagen Denmark – November 1, 2013 – Steeper Energy Aps, a Danish-Canadian clean-fuel company, has been awarded a DKK 17.3 million grant from the Danish Department of Energy (EUDP). The grant provides support to Steeper Energy from January 2014 to December 2017 in support of the commercialization of Hydrofaction™. The Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Program ...

    By Steeper Energy

  • After 30 Years, U.S. Market for Clean Fuels is Opened to Competition

    Move will Benefit American Drivers, Provide Greater Access to Advanced Renewable FuelWASHINGTON, Dec. 23, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- With the 112thCongress going home for the holidays, securing the long awaited expiration of the tariff on imported ethanol and corresponding tax credit, the Brazilian Sugarcane Industry Association (UNICA) issued the following statement.  It should be ...

    By Dow Corning Corporation

  • Steeper Energy contributes paper to HTL Issue of Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery

    Copenhagen Denmark – June 16, 2017 – Steeper Energy Aps, a Danish-Canadian clean-fuel company, has contributed a paper titled “Fundamentals of Hydrofaction™: Renewable crude oil from woody biomass” to the December 2017 Issue 4 (vol. 7) of Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery. The issue is edited by Dr. Frédéric Vogel and is focused on Hydrothermal ...

    By Steeper Energy

  • Steeper Energy contributes chapter to Direct Thermochemical Liquefaction for Chemical Applications

    Copenhagen Denmark – November 14, 2017 – Steeper Energy Aps, a Danish-Canadian clean-fuel company, has contributed a chapter titled “Hydrofaction™ of Forestry Residues to Drop-in Renewable Transportation Fuels” to the book Direct Thermochemical Liquefaction for Chemical Applications. The book was edited by Dr. Lasse Rosendahl of Aalborg University and published by ...

    By Steeper Energy

  • Media Advisory: Casella Waste Systems Opens Its First Natural Gas Fueling Station

    Casella Waste Systems, Inc. will host a ribbon cutting ceremony at the company's new compressed natural gas (CNG) fueling station in Williston, Vermont on Friday, May 13, 2011. Attending the ceremony, and making remarks on the occasion, will be Vermont Gov. Peter Shumlin and Casella chairman and chief executive officer John Casella. The media are invited to attend. Following the ribbon ...

  • EU energy ministers reject a bad deal on biofuels but status quo is even worse

    European energy ministers today rejected by a blocking minority a political deal to amend the EU biofuels policy. The rejected agreement, struck by the Lithuanian Presidency of the EU, would have limited the use of food-based biofuels that are eligible to count towards carbon reduction targets [1] to 7% of transport fuel – a cap close to the original 2020 target. The deal would have also ...

  • EU Governments’ Agreement Allows Biofuels Debate to Progress

    European governments today gave the green light to a political deal to amend the EU’s biofuels policy. The compromise by ambassadors, which must now be signed off by energy ministers, caps the use of food-based biofuels that are eligible to count towards carbon reduction targets [1] to 7% of transport fuel – higher than the original 5% cap as proposed by the Commission in 2012, and ...

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