Coal Fired Articles & Analysis

499 news items found
  • World coal-fired power plants capacity to grow by 35% in next 10 years

    World coal-fired power plant capacity will grow from 1,759,000 MW in 2010 to 2,384,000 MW in 2020. Some 80,000 MW will be replaced. So there will be 705,000 MW of new coal-fired boilers built. The annual new boiler sales will average 70,000 MW. The annual investment will be $140 billion. These are the most recent forecasts in Coal-fired Boilers: World Analysis and Forecast published by the ...

    By The McIlvaine Company

  • Will biomass be the saviour of coal?

    Use of biomas at coal-fired energy plants would enhance existing generation assets and balance carbon reduction objectives with energy demand and energy ...

  • Does coal have a future?

    President Trump took steps to keep his promise to revitalize the coal industry by signing executive orders aimed at reducing the environmental regulatory burden on coal. But is it too little, too late to save coal? Even with the president’s actions, large coal plants in the U.S. are still facing early retirement – not for regulatory reasons, but due to economic factors. Low natural ...

  • Most costly coal-fired plants to run are prime targets for closure, EIA study finds

    The U.S. has seen more than a fifth of its coal-fired generating capacity closed since 2011, and plants with higher operating costs were more vulnerable to closures, according to the federal Energy Information Administration (EIA). Between 2011 and the end of 2017, the total coal-fired generating capacity in the U.S. dropped to 257 gigwatts (GW) from 318 GW. “Because of more competitive ...

  • Coal-fired Power Plant SCR Use to Double between 2012 and 2017

    The coal-fired capacity utilizing SCR for NOx control will nearly double in the period 2012 to 2017. This is the prediction of the McIlvaine Company in its continually updated, NOx Control World Markets. ( Total capacity will grow by almost 385,000 MW during the five-year period. East Asia will account for 78 percent of the growth. Growth in coal-fired SCR will be modest ...

    By The McIlvaine Company

  • 124 coal and gas-fired power plants slated for startup in 2006

    Untitled Document There are 124 coal and gas-fired power generation projects, 25 MW or larger, scheduled for 2006 startup in the McIlvaine Company database, World Power Generation Projects. Gas-fired projects outnumber coal-fired projects. 2006 Plant Startups (number of generator units) Region Fuel Coal Gas LNG Total ...

    By The McIlvaine Company

  • $2.5 Trillion Investment In New Coal-fired Plants In The Next 25 Years

    World coal-fired power generation capacity will rise from 1.3 million MW in 2006, to 1.7 million MW in 2011, and to 2.7 million MW in 2030. This will require more than 1.7 million MW of new coal-fired construction to account for retirements as well as growth. The investment in these new plants will exceed $2.5 trillion. This is the prediction in the new McIlvaine online continuously updated, ...

    By The McIlvaine Company

  • New coal plants with 15 year life are economically and environmentally attractive

    Recent reports to the contrary, new coal-fired plants are both economically and environmentally attractive compared to operating existing coal-fired plants or replacing them with alternative energy generation. This is the conclusion reached by McIlvaine Company in its new 'CO2 Decisions' which is one of the Decision Trees in Power Plant Air Quality Decisions. Existing coal-fired plants are ...

    By The McIlvaine Company

  • Ex-Im Bank rejects coal-fired plant in Vietnam

    The Export-Import Bank of the United States has rejected a proposal to provide financing for a new coal-fired power plant in Vietnam. The bank's board of directors cites the project's likely effect on global warming in its vote on Thursday. President Barack Obama said last month that the U.S. will no longer support building coal-fired power plants abroad as part of an effort to curtail global ...

    By The Associated Press

  • Carbon capture and storage needed for new coal-fired power stations

    The Environment Agency has recommended that no new coal-fired power stations should be built unless they can capture and store carbon emissions. In its response to the Government’s consultation on carbon capture and storage, the Environment Agency called for faster progress on proving carbon capture and storage technology on a commercial scale. Lord Chris Smith, Chairman of the Environment ...

  • 55 Percent Growth In Coal-fired Power Generation By 2020

    Despite concerns about global warming, there will be a steady increase in world coal-fired generation resulting in installed capacity of 2.1 million MW (2l00 GW) by 2020. This new forecast in the McIlvaine report, Coal-fired Boilers: World Analysis and Forecast, represents a substantial reduction from the forecast made in April when the 2020 anticipated capacity was predicted at 2.7 million MW. ...

    By The McIlvaine Company

  • ZG Traveling grate coal fired boiler

    ZG traveling grate coal fired boiler can be used in bath room, school, hospital, restaurant, food factory, chemical plant etc. DZL coal-fired traveling grate boiler is composed of the body, chain grate, the former arch and the after arch, light furnace wall, steel frame and insulating layer etc. The boiler shall adopt single drum and vertical layout. The body comprises pot shell, smoke box, ...

  • Coalition against coal fires up in Greece

    Greece and seven municipalities are joining forces to oppose several coal-fired power plant projects, on the grounds they will cause large increases of greenhouse gas emissions and cause local pollution problems. “This coalition against coal aims to promote the principles of sustainable energy”, said Achilleas Plitharas, WWF-Geece’s Environmental Policy Campaigner. “A coal-fired plant will ...

  • Fly ash

    With international procurement channels, know-how in processing and individual logistics concepts, we are a reliable partner of the cement and concrete industry for fly ash. The energy turnaround means that fly ash from German hard coal-fired power plants is in short supply. Therefore, international recycling, new supply concepts and individual solutions for the European markets are ...


  • Utilizing the Excess Coal-fired Boiler Talent in the U.S.

    The U.S. is not building new coal-fired power plants and will be shutting down nearly 70,000 MW of existing power plants. There is uncertainty regarding the remaining 190,000 MW depending on clean power regulations. The result of this shrinkage is a large excess of coal-fired boiler talent in the country. Two options for beneficial use are to channel this talent into: Other types of power ...

    By The McIlvaine Company

  • Big Shift In Process Equipment Markets In The U.S.

    The market for process equipment, instrumentation, and services will slow in the traditionally strong regions of the South East, South Central and Pacific Regions. Instead, the growth will be in the Midwest, North Central and Western regions. This is the prediction resulting from findings in four McIlvaine publications including, World Market for Your Products, North American Analysis and ...

    By The McIlvaine Company

  • New Furnace inspection at French sugar plant

    France has for a long time been ECOMB’s strongest market and this has now been confirmed again. We have received an order for a furnace inspection on the French market. It is, again, a plant owned by Tereos that is the largest manufacturer of sugar related agricultural products in France. They have 35 production plants around the world, mostly in France and Brazil. This latest order is for ...

    By Ecomb AB

  • Inspec Participates in 2007 APC/PCUG Conference hosted by Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

    2007 Air Pollution Control (APC) Round Table includes a 70+ booth exhibition and two days of O&M panels and technical workshops given by coal-fired power generation industry experts. Inspec’s Florin Popovici and Mark Aitken participated in both, the exhibit and the technical workshop. Popovici presentation was based on “Filtration Materials for PJFFs”. The workshop focused on filter ...

    By Evonik Fibres GmbH

  • Eight Indian based Companies will Spend more than $1 billion for Valves in 2019

    The market for valves in India is increasing at a greater rate than elsewhere. Purchases in 2019 will exceed $3 billion. This represents valves, parts, and service which will be utilized in India. Eight large valve purchasers based in India will spend more than $1 billion for valves. However some of those valves may be installed in other countries. The end use forecast is crucial to stocking of ...

    By The McIlvaine Company

  • Nuclear disaster will shift $200 billion investment to fossil and renewables

    In the next five years over $3 trillion will be invested in dynamic segments of the power, energy and water industries. However, forecasts regarding the division of this investment made just months ago are now revised to reflect lower investment in new nuclear power plants and higher investment in alternatives. This is the new conclusion in the McIlvaine continually updated online World Market ...

    By The McIlvaine Company

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