Cooling Tower Articles & Analysis
Podcast: How Chemical Descalers Clean and Maintain Boilers, Chillers and Cooling Towers
In this “Just Venting Podcast,” Ray Field, the Director of Goodway Liquid Solutions, discusses the physical and financial impact of scale build-up on boilers, chillers and cooling towers. Ray also provides tips on how to avoid expensive repairs, improve energy efficiency and decrease electrical costs by implementing an effective maintenance plan. To view more click ...
IWC Builds Massive GRP Fan Stacks for Kusile Power Station
Eskom’s new Kusile Power Station in Witbank, Mpumalanga, is set to benefit from the energy-efficiency of IWC’s patented glass fibre reinforced plastic (GRP) fan stacks, four of which have been manufactured for one of the station’s mechanical induced-draft cooling towers. By incorporating the flared-diffuser design, which has a slightly tapered exit cone and a well-rounded inlet ...
CSP cooling options: workarounds for water scarcity
Ahead of the CSP Yield Optimization Conference & Expo in Denver (October 27-28), CSP Today speaks to Babul Patel, senior consultant at Nexant Inc., about the cost implication of plant cooling options and how to operate plants effectively under increasingly stringent water restrictions. CSP Today: For CSP developers, what is currently the best option for addressing the issue of water ...
GE Recognizes NRG’s Seward Power Station in Pennsylvania with ecomagination Leadership Award
Seward Power Station Reduces Total Water Treatment Costs 25 Percent over Six Years Saves 100 Million Gallons Annually GE (NYSE: GE) has recognized NRG Energy’s (NYSE: NRG) Seward Power Station in New Florence, Pa., with its prestigious ecomagination Leadership Award for the plant’s significant improvement in water treatment and reduction in costs with help from GE and its ...
Chemical treatment and scaling eliminated in steam boiler
Taurus is a dry cleaning company in Mexico they have a steam boiler that produces 5 tonnes of steam per hour used for pressing and dry cleaning and in the laundry.The problem was that despite chemically treating the boiler it would still fill up with hard scale. Every year the boiler would need cleaning but fully cleaning it was impossible. Acids were used as were manual methods.In December 2006 ...
Heat Exchangers Recover and Recycle Excess and Wasted Energy
In copper production, heat generated during extraction processes can be harnessed and transferred back into the system using heat exchangers, resulting in significant energy savings and unparalleled yield. “Compact heat exchangers, such as gasketed and welded plate heat exchangers, as well as spiral heat exchangers, are the most efficient technology for heat transfer,” says Roger ...
NREL Report Finds Similar Value in Two CSP Technologies
Parabolic troughs and dry-cooled towers deliver similar value for concentrating solar power (CSP) plants, despite different solar profiles, a new report by the Energy Department’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory has found. The report, “Estimating the Performance and Economic Value of Multiple Concentrating Solar Power Technologies in a Production Cost Model,” found that ...
Shine a light on global energy demand
According to the International Energy Outlook 2016 report, total world consumption of marketed energy will expand from 549 quadrillion British thermal units (Btu) in 2012 to 629 quadrillion Btu in 2020 and to 815 quadrillion Btu in 2040. That represents an incredible 48% increase from 2012 to 2040. Regardless of the reasons behind this growth, the energy sector has to be prepared for constantly ...
Green grants total $3.1 million for Arkansas companies
LITTLE ROCK — A dozen Arkansas companies will receive more than $3 million in grants through a program that provides funding for companies making green products, officials said Wednesday. The Arkansas Green Technology Grant program awards money to companies that make or sell products that contribute to renewable energy production or storage, energy efficiency or reduction of energy use, ...
Carbon Engineering thanks partners and vendors for continued collaboration
With the recent publication of our Direct Air Capture (DAC) cost analysis paper behind us, we wanted to provide an update on some of the work that takes place behind the scenes at our pilot plant in Squamish, B.C. Although our DAC and AIR TO FUELS technologies have been successfully proven and demonstrated, our pilot plant continues to operate to allow us to conduct extended testing and ...
World Market for Industrial Equipment and Systems Will Total $11 Trillion in Next Decade
In the period of 2006-2015 the world will spend over $1 trillion per year for new systems and equipment to expand its industrial production. This is the forecast appearing in the continually updated report, World Market for Your Products, published by the McIlvaine Company. Annual Industrial Systems/Equipment Revenues $ billions Segment Av/yr ($ mil) ...
Coal Fired Steam Generation Unit Asset Sale by Universal Wrecking
Universal Wrecking Corp has been awarded the dismantling and asset recovery project of a coal fired steam generation unit which is located 6 miles west of Pampa, Texas. A partial list of the equipment for sale includes: (2) 80MW coal fired boileris including the structure, piping and ancillaryequipment; Boiler Feed Water System including building and tanks; Deaerator equipment and structure; ...
Pall Corp. and Indiantown Cogeneration Plant to Present Water Treatment Solution at 2012 International Water Conference
Power plant operators around the world are upgrading traditional water treatment systems in an effort to improve the efficiency of plant processes and lower customer costs. Microfiltration membrane technology is a proven method of achieving this goal. At the International Water Conference (November 4th-8th) in San Antonio, Texas, topic experts Marvin Drake of the Indiantown Cogeneration plant in ...
The end of the road for Didcot A?
Last week the team at Aether were joined by some colleagues from the UK emissions inventory team at AEA for a tour of Didcot A power station, one of the UKs largest predominantly coal firing facilities at 2,000 MW (enough to provide electricity to 2 million homes!). In addition, a small amount of biomass is now also burnt at the plant. The tour provided a great chance to get away from the ...
By Aether Ltd
$80 Billion market to upgrade old U.S Coal-fired Power Plants
Over the next ten years operators of coal-fired power plants will spend $80 billion to upgrade their existing power plants. This is the prediction in the McIlvaine report, Fossil & Nuclear Power Generation: World Analysis & Forecast. ( The U.S. upgrade market will be driven by the following factors: Coal will again become the low cost power option Building new ...
In Seattle waste heat is being recovered to heat buildings
David Ferris reports in EnergyWire on creative waste heat recovery in Seattle Wash.. First he updates the progress of Amazon’s new campus in the Denny Triangle, which will be heated by otherwise wasted heat generated by a data center in the Westin Building across the street; then he describes the use of waste heat from the air conditioning system in the new Cyrene building on the ...
2014 Updates (Through March 31, 2014) from the Eppic Environmental & Alternative Energy Index
Welcome to our new website with the same broad content of articles and papers for the present and prior 2 years. We invite visitors and subscribers to browse the site and believe the content will be useful and interesting to a wide range of users as intended by its design and content selection. This year begins with 22 conferences and continues indexing of the 95 listed journals with combined ...
7,000 Utility Coal-fired Power Plants Are Continuing to Upgrade and Replace
The market to upgrade and replace components in the existing 7,000 coal-fired power plants is larger than the new equipment market for wind, solar, or gas turbines. The upgrades and replacements are tracked in the Utility Tracking System published by the McIlvaine Company. Many of the power plants in the U.S. are more than 40 years old but are expected to operate another 20 years. Optimization ...
Kroff, Inc. Introduces Web-Based Chiller Efficiency Program Designed to Provide Measurable Savings in Energy Consumption
Kroff, Inc., a specialty chemical company focused on creative solutions for environmental, manufacturing and water treatment processes, is pleased to introduce ChillerMax, a web-based chiller efficiency program developed in partnership with Chillergy Systems LLC. ChillerMax provides chiller plants with measurable savings in energy consumption, resulting in a reduction in total cost of ...
By Kroff, Inc.
How to recycle plastic into fuel oil with pyrolysis machine?
If you want to recycle plastic into fuel oil with the pyrolysis machine, firstly you should make sure that the kind of your raw material can be recycled into fuel oil. Generally, the plastics we recycle for pyrolysis machine include: pure PP/PE(HDPE/LDPE)/PS/ABS plastics, mixed plastics, food packaging bag, paper-mill waste, plastic household waste, etc. The purer the plastics, the higher the ...
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