Ethanol Articles & Analysis
Global ethanol production to reach 85.9 billion litres (22.7 billion gallons) in 2010
The Global Renewable Fuels Alliance (GRFA) today released its 2010 production forecast for ethanol and the future continues to look positive for growth in the industry. Total ethanol production for 2009 was 73.9 billion litres (19.5 billion gallons) according to data assembled by F.O. Licht. The GRFA predicts global production will reach 85.9 billion litres (22.7 billion gallons) in 2010 growing ...
Maps of alternative fuel stations in the US
Today at the ESRI Federal User Group Conference, they announced HIFLD Open, which is a subset of the HIFLD (formerly known as HSIP) data that is open, and with no release restrictions. So we went looking for data we could use for our environmental and energy analytics work. Here’s are some quick maps of alternative fueling stations across the country. Each shows the distribution of seven ...
By Azimuth1
World`s first self-powered modular cellulose ethanol refinery announced
Allard Research and Development, the world leader in small to medium-scale ethanol fuel production systems, announced today the world's first self-powered modular cellulose ethanol refinery utilizing cellulose feedstock grown as part of the system in hydroponic shipping containers. A 20 gallon-per-hour modular cellulose ethanol refinery module with feedstock grow containers will have a 3,600 sq. ...
ILUC deal far from perfect but may help restore some much needed policy certainty to the biofuels market
The European Parliament's ENVl Committee has today voted to endorse the Council's proposed compromise on ILUC. ePURE, the association representing the European renewable ethanol industry, believes that while the compromise is a disappointing result it may go some way to restoring some much needed policy certainty for the biofuels industry. Today's vote, endorsed by 51 votes in favour, 12 ...
Algenol Biofuels Inc. Announces Ground Breaking of Its Pilot-Scale Integrated Bio-Refinery in Lee County, Florida
Algenol Biofuels Inc. announces today that it has broken ground on the construction of its pilot-scale integrated bio-refinery. This production facility will be the first large-scale deployment of Algenol's patented Direct To Ethanol® technology, which produces ethanol directly from carbon dioxide, sunlight and salt water using blue-green algae in patented photobioreactors (or PBRs). With ...
Roundtable Teleconference: Advanced & Cellulosic Biofuel Associations Discuss Why EPA Should Stay the Course on the Renewable Fuel Standard
Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO): WHAT: Executives from the Advanced BioFuels Association (ABFA), Advanced Ethanol Council (AEC) and Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) will discuss the potential impact on advanced and cellulosic biofuel producers if EPA grants a petition to retroactively ...
Outotec to provide a renewable energy solution for a bio-ethanol facility in Iowa, USA
OUTOTEC OYJ PRESS RELEASE JANUARY 30, 2013 at 1:30 PM Outotec to provide a renewable energy solution for a bio-ethanol facility in Iowa, USA Outotec has agreed with a major cellulosic ethanol producer on the design and delivery of a renewable energy solution for a bio-ethanol facility in Iowa, USA. The order has been included in Outotec's Q4 2012 order intake and its value will not be ...
Ethanol in the Classroom: Educating the next generation of biofuel visionaries
Education is a critical aspect of all successful innovations and fundamental to efforts to change the way things have always been done. Our nation’s current energy crisis is no exception. That is why the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) and the Renewable Fuels Foundation (RFF) are partnering with teachers and the National FFA Organization to provide tens of thousands of high school students ...
Burn Coal and Reduce CO2 Not Increase It
Documento sin título Contrary to the popular belief, coal can actually be utilized to reduce greenhouse gases not increase them. This is the conclusion reached in the McIlvaine “World Market for Your Products”. The biggest misconception has to do with the use of coal to convert corn or switchgrass into ethanol. The substitution of ethanol for gasoline has a ...
Step forward for proposed world-leading ethanol refinery in Canada
Iogen Corporation's application for funding for Canada's first commercial scale cellulosic ethanol production facility has progressed to the due diligence phase, Canada's Environment Minister John Baird has announced. 'This is a good day for Canadians and our environment,' said Minister Baird. 'Thanks to our Government's allocation of $500 million for next generation biofuels, Canada is one ...
Commercial Cellulosic Ethanol Plant Underway in Iowa
SIOUX FALLS, South Dakota, October 5, 2007 (ENS) - POET Energy and the U.S. Department of Energy, DOE, have signed a cooperative agreement for a commercial cellulosic ethanol project in Emmetsburg, Iowa that will produce ethanol from corn cobs. Cellulosic ethanol is produced from biomass with starches that are difficult to convert to fuel; sources including corn stover, grasses, wood chips, ...
From Mules to Biofuels
Farmers and policymakers are wrestling with two main concerns when it comes to ethanol production: the effect of ethanol demand on food prices, and changes in land use that are detrimental to the environment. While families were sharing corn at backyard barbecues this summer, both issues perked up ears across the globe. The Environmental Protection Agency rejected Texas Governor Rick Perry's ...
Biofuels Blend Ratio and Total Glyceride Measurements using Mid-IR Analysis
The InfraSpec VFA-IR Spectrometer, a portable mid -infrared spectrometer that gives spectral, quantitative or qualitative information, for easy, on-site biofuel analyses. With the trend toward alternate fuels, there is a significant increase in biodiesel and ethanol production and the need for easy and accurate analytical measurements. The InfraSpec Spectrometer can measure percent ...
Retooled approach may make bio-based butanol more competitive with ethanol
A modified method of producing biobutanol could make the fuel more competitive with ethanol as a clean-burning alternative to gasoline. According to Agricultural Research Service (ARS) chemical engineer Nasib Qureshi, biobutanol offers several advantages. It can be transported in existing pipelines, it's less corrosive, it can be mixed with gasoline or used alone in internal combustion engines, ...
Cellulosic ethanol heads for cost-competitiveness by 2016
The cost of enzymes, pre-treatment and fermentation have fallen significantly, but cellulosic biofuels still have some way to go to reduce project capital expenditure if they are to be competitive with corn-based ethanol and with gasoline Ethanol manufactured from non-food “cellulosic” feedstock is on course to be cost competitive with corn-based ethanol by 2016, according to an ...
Enerkem Successfully Meets Federal Environmental Assessment Requirements for its Mississippi Waste-to-Ethanol Plant
Assessment further reinforces Enerkem's position as a first-mover in the commercial advanced biofuels sector MONTREAL - Enerkem Inc., a leading waste-to-biofuels company, today announced that Enerkem Corporation, its wholly-owned U.S. affiliate, successfully concluded the U.S. federal environmental assessment requirements for its Mississippi waste-to-ethanol plant, which allows the Company to ...
By Enerkem
New Global Winners in Alternative Fuels Emerge As Capacity Grows to 54.1 Billion Gallons in 2015
Capacity for alternative fuels such as ethanol, biodiesel, and renewable diesel is at 44.6 billion gallons a year in 2011, but systemic hurdles will constrain their growth to under 5% annually through 2015. But pockets of promising growth still exist as variations in local policy, demand, and feedstock availability mean that new nations will arise as global ...
By Lux Research
What the AP Got Wrong on Ethanol
The Associated Press just released a one-sided story on renewable fuel’s impact on the environment, and it’s full of the same misinformation and falsehoods that ethanol detractors have been repeating for years. Here’s what they got wrong: Claim: Ethanol production has caused 5 million acres of land to be removed from the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) since President Obama ...
Protecting soils and producing biofuel with corn stover
Those lonely cornstalks—called corn stover—left behind in the fields after the grain harvest is complete could someday become valuable raw material for the production of cellulosic ethanol. In the meantime, Agricultural Research Service (ARS) soil scientist Doug Karlen is determining which portion of the plant would work best for cellulosic ethanol production. He's also studying the amount of ...
Southwest Iowa Renewable Energy, LLC to Pay $10,150 for risk management plan violations at Council Bluffs Ethanol Plant
Southwest Iowa Renewable Energy, LLC has agreed to pay a $10,150 civil penalty and spend at least $38,729 on a supplemental environmental project for failing to file a risk management plan and implement risk management regulations at its dry-mill ethanol plant in Council Bluffs, Iowa. According to an administrative consent agreement and final order filed by EPA Region 7 in Kansas City, Kan., an ...
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