Gas Grid Articles & Analysis
Malmberg Biogas upgrading plant no 42 in Germany!
We are happy to announce that Agraferm Technologies AG has ordered a Malmberg COMPACT, GR 14 upgrading plant. It will be built in Beerfelde, 50 km east of Berlin. Capacity is 1500 Nm³/h and the upgraded gas will be injected to the gas ...
More biogas upgrading in Germany!
Senftenberg, 125 km SO of Berlin, will have a biogas upgrading Malmberg COMPACT, GR 14 plant shortly. Our customer is Greenpower Bioenergie GmbH. The plant will have a capacity of 1500 Nm³/h and the upgraded gas will be injected to the gas ...
Visit of GRDF in Mont-Godinne
On December 3, 2019,GRDF (Gaz Réseau Distribution France)visited Mont-Godinne plant as part of their development in green gas on the french grid and the research for new renewable gas production ...
UK Biomethane day 2012
CNG Services Ltd (CSL), in association with the REA, are pleased to announce the first UK Biomethane Day to be held at the Motorcycle Museum in Birmingham on Tuesday 26th June 2012. This one day event will be of interest to anyone considering this new and exciting market as well as to those who already have projects underway. This event is staged as part of the Green Gas Grids Project which is a ...
Fifth anniversary of the first WAGABOX unit
The first WAGABOX unit was commissioned on February 14, 2017 on a Coved landfill (a Paprec subsidiary) in Saint-Florentin (North France). Waga Energy thus achieved the first biomethane injection by upgrading landfill gas in Europe. This technological achievement marked the success of ten years of R&D within Air Liquide and Waga Energy. The construction of the WAGABOX unit of Saint-Florentin ...
By Waga Energy
Biokraft has formed a partnership with Perstorp to expand a biogas plant in Sweden.
On June 20, Biokraft, a Swedish biogas firm, stated that it had entered into an exclusive land deal with Perstorp, an industrial group, to develop a biogas plant at Perstorp's industrial park. The plant is projected to possess a capacity of 130 gigawatt-hours per year of biomethane and 17,000 metric tonnes per year of liquid carbon dioxide, with an anticipated completion date of 2027. Biokraft ...
By Biokraft
Smart grid to the next level
Making a smart grid for smart and sustainable energy supply has reached the next level now that for the city of Lelystad a consortium of thirteen partners have agreed to work together. Their ‘Grand Design’ for sustainable energy and infrastructure was created in May this year, and consists of three parts: making (existing) buildings sustainable, use the available biogas in the area to ...
NH3 / CH4 detection for biogas injection into the natural gas grid
Axetris, Laser Gas Detection, Leister Corporate Simultaneous detection of two gases increases efficiency while decreasing costs. A single, compact device can accomplish this. Axetris Laser Gas Detectors are capable of measuring ammonia and methane for biogas injection into the natural gas grid. Biogas is a modern energy source independent of the limited supply of fossil fuels. Its production ...
By Axetris AG
NH3 / CH4 detection for biogas injection into the natural gas grid
Simultaneous detection of two gases increases efficiency while decreasing costs. A single, compact device can accomplish this. Axetris Laser Gas Detectors are capable of measuring ammonia and methane for biogas injection into the natural gas grid. Biogas is a modern energy source independent of the limited supply of fossil fuels. Its production can be adapted to current demand and is, unlike ...
By Axetris AG
Clarke Energy named large exporter of the year at Northern Powerhouse Export Awards 2019
Clarke Energy are delighted have been named Large Exporter of the Year at the Northern Powerhouse Export Awards 2019, held at the National Railway Museum in York. The awards, in association with the Department for International Trade (DIT), recognise the most entrepreneurial exporters from across the North East, North West and Yorkshire. The Large Exporter of the Year award recognised ...
Leading Edge with Processing Technology
On 5 August, the "Longchamps" biomethane plant in the Franche-Comté region in eastern France went live. Thus, 70 standard m3/h are now continually supplied to the natural gas grid of the French gas distributor GrDF (Gaz réseau Distribution France). Plant operator David Peterschmitt uses about 6,000 t of agricultural leftovers a year for the production of biogas from anaerobic ...
Film reveals advantages of gas to grid AD plants
In the video, David Bermingham, the developer behind the scheme at Icknield Farm, in Wallingford, offers a comprehensive insight into the planning, construction and day-to-day operation of the plant. He talks about how the period from the start of construction to getting gas into the grid was only six months - and the timeframe for payback on the investment is within seven to 10 years. The ...
Göteborg Energi invests heavily in biogas
“We want to create a sustainable society and in that context we regard biogas as one of the most important energy sources of the future,” says Åsa Burman of Göteborg Energi. “That’s why we’re investing in having one of the world’s biggest and most modern biogas plants in operation by 2012.” She is the manager of the project called GoBiGas and ...
By Elmia AB
Clarke Energy Shortlisted for Large Exporter of the Year at Northern Powerhouse Export Awards
Clarke Energy are delighted to have been shortlisted in the Large Exporter of the Year category at the 2019 PD Ports Northern Powerhouse Export Awards in association the Department for International Trade (DIT) The awards had nearly 150 category nominations from across the North East, North West and Yorkshire. Following an extensive shortlisting process Clarke Energy were selected as a finalist ...
New Report Explores Potential of Shared Energy Storage (SES)
As a new type of energy storage, shared energy storage (SES) can help promote the consumption of renewable energy and reduce the energy cost of users. To this end, an optimization clearing strategy for a multi-region electricity-heat joint market is proposed with consideration of SES and integrated demand response (DR). Firstly, the concept of shared energy storage station (SESS) is proposed, its ...
Uk Energy Minister Expresses Scepticism Over The Use Of Hydrogen For Domestic Heating.
UK energy minister, Lord Callanan states that it is pretty much impossible to heat homes using clean hydrogen. He makes this the comment as the British Government continues to invest millions of pounds in hydrogen heating trials.“If I’m being honest, the idea that we could produce enough hydrogen at reasonable cost to displace mains gas is pretty much impossible,” said ...
Sanamethan’s Innovative Carbon Negative Biogas and CO2 Recovery Plant Provided By Clarke Energy
SAS Sanamethan’s biogas upgrading plant to upgrade biogas to biomethane for injection into gas grid and in parallel recovery of renewable carbon dioxide (CO2). Clarke Energy has supplied a Tecno Project Industriale (TPI) 3-stage biogas upgrading solution with a recovery unit to recover liquid renewable CO2 along with gas treatment equipment. Project will support the decarbonisation of ...
World Energy Outlook Says Natural Gas Provides Flexibility and Fuels Growth
The World Energy Outlook 2019 (WEO-2019) released today by the International Energy Agency (IEA) says, “gas grids provide a crucial mechanism to bring energy to consumers, typically delivering more energy than electricity networks and providing a valuable source of flexibility.” The report finds natural gas provided 45 percent of the growth in the world’s energy in 2018. ...
Half Britain’s homes could be heated by renewable gas, says National Grid
Up to half the country’s domestic gas heating could be met by turning waste into biogas, according to a new report from National Grid. Biogas could give the UK a new reliable source of green energy as the North Sea gas reserves run down. The report looks at how all the biodegradable waste streams such as sewage, food and wood could be turned into biogas and injected into the gas distribution ...
Getting shale gas to market
CNG Services Ltd Managing Director, John Baldwin, was invited to give a presentation on “Getting Shale Gas to Market” at the recent SMi Shale Gas Environmental Summit. The presentation, given on the 23rd May 2012, explained the practicalities and significant advantages of injecting shale gas into the existing high pressure National Gas Transmission System (NTS) in the UK. The ...
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