Gasoline Analyzer Articles & Analysis
Mid-Infrared analyzers provide on-site measurements to ensure biofuels blend quality
The biofuels marketplace is a rapidly growing industry and so is the need for easy-to-use analytical measurement techniques to ensure product quality. And, as more mandates for a minimum of ethanol in gasoline and biodiesel in diesel come into effect, a large number of major oil companies are blending higher percentages of biofuels at their terminals. While manufacturers of in-line blending ...
New ethanol blend analyzer for on-site, percent measurements in under a minute
Increasing mandates for minimum blends of ethanol in gasoline require terminal managers, distributors, fleet managers, regulators and tax enforcement agencies to be able to quickly and accurately measure the percent ethanol in gasoline. The new InfraCal Ethanol Blend Analyzer from Wilks Enterprise, Inc. provides ethanol blend measurements in under a minute. This portable, rugged, compact ...
Alfa Chemistry Releases Petrochemical Standards for Fuels and Hydrocarbons Testing
Petrochemical products are an integral part of modern societies. To help researchers assess the quality of these commodities, Alfa Chemistry, one of the most popular suppliers of analytical reagents, recently announced the release of a new line of petrochemical standards, which can be used to analyze and test petroleum, gasoline, fuels, hydrocarbons and many other types of petrochemical-relevant ...
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