Nuclear Power Industry Articles & Analysis
Studsvik's Interim Report for January - March 2010
· Net sales increased by 25 per cent to SEK 345.8 million (277.0).· Operating profit improved by SEK 44.4 million to SEK 23.2 million (-21.2) due to substantially improved profitability in the US operations.· Cash flow from operating activities after investments was SEK 19.0 million (-32.0). Jan-March2010Jan-March2009Full Year2009 Net sales, SEK million 345.8 277.0 ...
Invitation to conference call, April 29 at 2:30 pm
Studsvik AB presents its interim report for the first quarter 2010 and hereby invites media and analysts to a conference call held in English, Thursday, April 29 at 2:30 pm CET.Studsvik's interim report for the first quarter 2010 will be distributed at approximately 13:00 am, April 29. As of this time, the report will also be available at At the conference call, the report will ...
Critical Issues in the Nuclear Power Industry to be Discussed at NUCLEAR POWER International 2011
Now in its fifth year and co-located with POWER-GEN International, the world's largest power generation event, NUCLEAR POWER International 2011 heads to Las Vegas, Nev., December 13-15 to provide the industry with up-to-date information for the nuclear power industry, including panel discussions on technical and crisis communication, major nuclear project updates, and the lessons learned ...
ENERCON Acquires Talisman International of Washington, D.C.
ENERCON, with corporate headquarters in Kennesaw, Ga. has acquired Talisman International, LLC of Washington, D.C., a high level nuclear regulatory consulting firm. Founded in 2002, Talisman is a litigation, technical and information security consulting company that specializes in providing services to firms addressing complex issues before the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), the NRC ...
ENERCON Acquires Talisman International of Washington, D.C.
ENERCON, with corporate headquarters in Kennesaw, Ga. has acquired Talisman International, LLC of Washington, D.C., a high level nuclear regulatory consulting firm. Founded in 2002, Talisman is a litigation, technical and information security consulting company that specializes in providing services to firms addressing complex issues before the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), the NRC ...
Market Research Report -- In Spite of Nuclear Setbacks, Global Installed Nuclear Capacity to Increase 4% During 2011-2020 has announced the addition of the new report "Global Nuclear Power Market," to their collection of market reports. Nuclear power has been used for many years for generating electricity across the world. However, with the recent Fukushima nuclear disaster, the safety of nuclear power has been called into question, with many countries deciding to phase out nuclear power ...
Nuclear Power in the US Industry Market Research Report Now Available from IBISWorld
The Nuclear Power industry has grown over the past five years, benefiting from increased output and prices since 2007. According to IBISWorld industry analyst Deonta Smith, the price increase has been due to high uranium prices before and after the recession, which have prompted industry players to pass along costs to customers; simultaneously, the level of demand from utilities and other ...
By IBISWorld
ENERCON Receives Patent For Innovative Nuclear Reactor Filter System
KENNESAW, Ga., Feb. 6, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- ENERCON, a multi-disciplined engineering, environmental and technical consulting energy company since 1983, has received patents (USPN 8048319 and USPN 8054932) for a filter medium for strainers used in nuclear reactor Emergency Core Cooling Systems (ECCS). ENERCON's product was developed in response to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Generic ...
Bentley appoints solutions executives for utilities and communications, power generation, and process manufacturing
Bentley Systems, Incorporated, the leading company dedicated to providing comprehensive software solutions for the infrastructure that sustains our world, has appointed Cyndi Smith, based in Tulsa, Okla., to the position of solutions executive for utilities and communications; Mark Biagi, based in Edinburgh, United Kingdom, to the position of solutions executive for power generation; and John ...
Future promising for nuclear power but challenges remain, says IAEA
The number of nuclear power reactors around the globe is estimated to increase up to 60% by 2030, said Mr. Yury A. Sokolov, Head of the Department of Nuclear Energy and Deputy Director General of the IAEA, at an industry event in Korea. He also remarked that the experience gained over the past decades in energy planning for sustainable development, as well as in the construction, commissioning, ...
First Solar Hires Tim Rebhorn as Senior Vice President, Project Development
First Solar, Inc. (Nasdaq: FSLR) today announced the appointment of Tim Rebhorn as Senior Vice President, Project Development. He reports to First Solar CEO Jim Hughes and will be responsible for the company’s global project development strategy and execution. “Tim will play a crucial role in implementing First Solar’s strategy to provide fully integrated photovoltaic power ...
Nuclear Energy Institute Offers A Look At Nuclear Technology Innovations
Within 25 to 30 years, a U.S. electric grid built on a foundation of light water reactors will include a range of new designs that will provide a wide array of critical capabilities to meet the energy needs of the future, according to the Nuclear Energy Institute. These designs are the outgrowth of decades of innovation from scientists and entrepreneurs who see a new generation of nuclear ...
San Onofre nuke plant to close after bitter fight
The demise of California's San Onofre nuclear power plant began with an attempt to fix it. A $670 million equipment swap in 2009 and 2010 went haywire, leaving Southern California Edison on Friday with two idle reactors, more than $500 million in bills and a federal decision on a possible restart nowhere in sight. The company decided to close it, permanently. The announcement triggered a ...
Platts Survey: High Capital Costs and Maintaining Public Confidence Cited as Greatest Challenges Facing European Nuclear Power Markets
High capital costs and maintaining public confidence are seen as the greatest challenges facing the European nuclear power industry, according to a recent survey conducted by Platts, a leading global energy, petrochemical and metals information provider. The survey included more than 100 utilities, builders, consultancies, and regulators in Europe and precedes the eighth annual Platts European ...
Entergy Corporation Issues Statement on Palisades Nuclear Power Plant
In regards to the recent media coverage of the Palisades Nuclear Power Plant and the industry topic of pressurized thermal shock, Entergy Corporation issued the following statement from Tony Vitale, Palisades' site vice president: "The Palisades nuclear plant is a safe and secure facility, and we have an NRC license to operate this facility through 2031. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission ...
By Entergy
B&W Closes $700 Million Credit Facility; Extends Maturity to 2017
The Babcock & Wilcox Company (NYSE: BWC) (“B&W”) today announced that it has completed the amendment and restatement of its existing $700 million senior secured credit facility. B&W currently has no borrowings outstanding and approximately $218.5 million of letters of credit outstanding under the amended and restated facility. The entire unused ...
Emerging Nuclear Power Countries - Market Analysis, Policy Analysis and Forecasts to 2030 announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue: Emerging Nuclear Power Countries - Market Analysis, Policy Analysis and Forecasts to 2030 Emerging ...
By ReportLinker
MiniLab™ 153 Enters Nuclear Power Plants
he MiniLab Series is rapidly being adopted by nuclear power plants in China and worldwide to provide on-site oil analysis, avoiding unplanned failures and preventing costly downtime. Sending samples to outside laboratories can be particularly expensive for nuclear power plants, as many outside laboratories are not equipped to handle radioactive samples and those that can often charge high rates ...
Flow or Leak Detection In Nuclear Power Plants With Accurate, Reliable FLT93 FlexSwitch
Ideal for Flood Alarm, Condensate Pot Level, Turbine Water Level, Pump Protection, Reactor Core Coolant, Level Interface Detection & Temperature. Process and plant engineers responsible for nuclear power plants who need various alarms and indicators for use in liquid, air, gas, or for interface service will find the FLT93 Series FlexSwitch® from Fluid Components International (FCI) ...
Nuclear records paper over flaws
The nuclear industry is celebrating breaking records that have stood for a quarter of a century − but a new update on its successes still fails to disperse the clouds over its future. Ten new nuclear reactors came on line last year worldwide, and more new reactors are being built than at any time since 1990. According to the report by the World Nuclear Association (WNA), there were 66 ...
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