Nuclear Power Plant Articles & Analysis: Older
Weda recently delivered a U-DEC for the TVO Nuclear Power Plant in Finland
Weda recently delivered a U-DEC for the TVO Nuclear Power Plant in Finland. The U-DEC isa specifically designed underwater cleaner for wall-and bottom cleaning of the reactor tanks and is a result of a collaboration between Weda and Westinghouse ...
By Weda AB
Successful cooperation between NTi Audio and Siemens Germany
The Augsburg site of Siemens Germany is responsible for the technical safety of the Gundremmingen Nuclear Power Plant, the highest-output nuclear power station in Germany. Within a project lasting two years, the alarm system of the whole site was brought up to the latest technical standards. NTi Audio was selected as the partner for the conceptual design and realization of an automatic daily ...
By NTi Audio AG
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company Names Rick Fili Director of Site Engineering at Perry Nuclear Power Plant
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (FENOC), a subsidiary of FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE – FE), has named Rick Fili director of Site Engineering at the Perry Nuclear Power Plant in Perry, Ohio. In this position, he is responsible for providing direction and oversight of the engineering activities and projects performed at the Perry Plant that support safe and reliable operations. With more ...
By FirstEnergy
Hungary Confirms Paks Nuclear Power Plant deal With Russia
A series of deals, signed in late 2014, envisages the construction of the NPP's units 5 and 6 with Russian-built VVER-1200 reactors, as well as nuclear fuel supplies and maintenance. "We got a confirmation from the government of Hungary that everything has been agreed, everything remains unchanged." "Everything has been confirmed, the contract has entered force," Kiriyenko said. Russia has ...
By VF, a.s.
Nuclear Power Plant and Equipment Market Size Will Hit USD 50,128.4 Million By 2026
According to the report, The global Nuclear Power Plant and Equipment market in 2019 is approximately USD 38,839.8 Million. The market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 3.7% and is projected to reach around USD 50,128.4 Million by 2026. Nuclear Energy is one of the important sources of energy in today’s world. The Energy generates after splitting atoms or the nuclear fission process in ...
Smaller reactors widen opportunities for nuclear energy
As renewed interest in nuclear energy is sweeping the world, several countries are looking at small and medium reactors, often referred to as SMR, as alternatives to large nuclear power stations. Typically, they are defined as facilities with a power output of up to 700 MW (e). SMRs represent an attractive option for countries with limited financial resources, small electricity grids, or for ...
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company Names John Grabnar Director of Site Operations at Perry Nuclear Power Plant
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (FENOC), a subsidiary of FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE), has named John Grabnar director of Site Operations at the Perry Nuclear Power Plant in Perry, Ohio. In this position, he is responsible for overall management of the Perry Plant's Operations, Chemistry, Radiation Protection, Work Management and Outage Management groups. Grabnar's 27-year nuclear career ...
By FirstEnergy
Uk Electricity Generation To Be Fossil Fuel Free By 2035?
UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, stated that removing gas as a power source will help protect against price surges (during Conservative conference).Johnson has also confirmed plans to eliminate fossil fuels from the UK’s electricity generation process by 2035.The UK generated 43% of its electricity from renewable sources in 2020 but gas-fired power plants still account for a significant ...
IAEA safety experts visiting Japan nuclear plant in December
An IAEA-lead team of international experts will visit Japan from 1-5 December 2008 to review the ongoing assessment of the impact of an earthquake on the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear power plant last year. The seven-unit power plant, the world´s largest, has remained shut down since the earthquake on 16 July 2007. The IAEA fact-finding mission will study the ongoing evaluation by Japan´s Nuclear ...
Mobile Gamma surveillance for German nuclear power plants
In Germany, legislation requires companies operating in the nuclear sector, as well as fuel cycle operators and nuclear research institutes, to take strict measures to stabilize their facilities in the event of an accident. KHG Kerntechnische Hilfsdienst GmbH is a German emergency protection organization whose task is to contain and eliminate hazards in the event of an accident at a nuclear ...
Nuclear Energy to Power China
To ensure energy supply diversity, China has set an aim to cut reliance on oil and gas that will offer vast opportunities for renewables. Although conventional sources of energy made up for 74% of combined electricity generation in 2004, hydropower and nuclear energy are fast becoming visible in the energy sector, according to a recent report “China Energy Sector Analysis” by RNCOS. The ...
Citizens petition to halt flawed US nuclear plant relicensing
Nine citizens' groups today petitioned the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NRC, to suspend all license renewals for the country's aging nuclear power plants in view of a federal audit showing that NRC staff often did not verify the authenticity of technical safety information submitted by nuclear power plant operators. Riverkeeper, Pilgrim Watch and the New England Coalition have joined with a ...
UAE’s first nuclear power plant to begin operating this spring
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has taken its last step before becoming the first Arab country capable of producing nuclear power, after the country’s regulator approved licenses to transport and store nuclear fuel. The Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (FANR) said early this week it had issued two licenses, one to the Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (Enec) for the transport of ...
Batan to cooperate with Indonesian power company
Indonesia's National Atomic Energy Agency (Batan) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with utility PT Indonesia Power to cooperate in the use of nuclear technology in the energy sector. One area of cooperation will be a feasibility study on the use of nuclear power plants. The MoU was signed yesterday in Ancol, North Jakarta, by the head of Batan, Anhar Riza Antariksawan, and the ...
Westinghouse Appoints Mark Marano President Americas Region
Westinghouse Electric Company today announced that it has appointed Mark Marano to the position of president, Americas Region, effective May 31. In his new position, Mr. Marano will be responsible for customer relationships, business plan development, and project and product delivery in the Americas Region. He will also work closely with Westinghouse Nuclear Automation, Nuclear Fuel, Nuclear ...
Clampdown on fitness requirements for nuclear plant operators
The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission has published updated requirements to enhance the “fitness for duty” of operators, security officers and other personnel at nuclear power plants and certain nuclear materials facilities. The requirements will go into effect in 30 days, but the rule includes a phased approach for two elements of the new requirements. “This is an important final rule that ...
EDF Energy gets go-ahead to restart Hunterston B Reactor 4
The UK’s Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) has given permission for EDF Energy to restart Reactor 4 at its Hunterston B nuclear power plant in Scotland. Permission is for up to 16.025 terawatt days, which is about four months of operation, ONR said yesterday. Hunterston B-7 (Reactor 3) and Hunterston B-8 (Reactor 4) were shut down last year after cracks were found in the graphite bricks ...
Germany`s oldest remaining nuclear plant shuts down
Germany's oldest remaining nuclear reactor has been shut down, part of a move initiated four years ago to switch off all its nuclear plants by the end of 2022. The Grafenrheinfeld reactor in the southern state of Bavaria was taken offline as scheduled overnight, authorities and operator E.ON said Sunday. Grafenrheinfeld went into service in 1981. It is the first reactor to close since Germany ...
Entergy Corporation Issues Statement on Palisades Nuclear Power Plant
In regards to the recent media coverage of the Palisades Nuclear Power Plant and the industry topic of pressurized thermal shock, Entergy Corporation issued the following statement from Tony Vitale, Palisades' site vice president: "The Palisades nuclear plant is a safe and secure facility, and we have an NRC license to operate this facility through 2031. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission ...
By Entergy
Fast, easy detection of biodiesel in diesel fuel down to 0.05%
Wilks Enterprise is pleased to announce that its InfraSpec VFA-IR Spectrometer, with a new flow-through sample system, is now capable of accurately measuring biodiesel in diesel fuel down to 0.05% in less than one minute. This is particularly important for nuclear power plants and pipeline operators as they need to ensure that little or no biodiesel is in their system. The ASTM Method D 975 ...
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