AMETEK Spectro Scientific

AMETEK Spectro Scientific


Mid-Infrared analyzers provide on-site measurements to ensure biofuels blend quality


Source: AMETEK Spectro Scientific

The biofuels marketplace is a rapidly growing industry and so is the need for easy-to-use analytical measurement techniques to ensure product quality. And, as more mandates for a minimum of ethanol in gasoline and biodiesel in diesel come into effect, a large number of major oil companies are blending higher percentages of biofuels at their terminals. While manufacturers of in-line blending systems claim indisputable accuracy, a quick analytical measurement method to assess the blend ratio gives real data to a claimed assumption. This can be a valuable asset for fuel distributors, engine manufacturers, fleet operators, and regulatory agencies. Wilks Enterprise, Inc. recently introduced two portable, easy-to-use mid-infrared analyzers for on-site measurements of biodiesel in diesel and ethanol in gasoline. These analyzers can be operated by personnel having little or no knowledge of infrared analytical techniques.

The InfraCal Blend Analyzers are low-cost, single wavelength instruments that are ideal for measuring the blend ratio of biodiesel in diesel fuel or ethanol in gasoline. They are rugged, lightweight, and specifically designed for easy, on-site use. The InfraCal Analyzers provide direct readout of measurement results in % biodiesel or % ethanol in less than one minute per analysis. This gives the user the capability to measure the blend ratio on-site at a manufacturing or distribution facility to ensure the product quality.

While it is important for terminal managers to ensure the blend quality, tax incentives, government regulations and engine warrantees are also based on % biofuel. Thus, it is important for both blenders and regulators to have the fast, accurate, on-site measurement that the InfraCal Blend Analyzers provide.

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