Legend Power Systems Inc.

Legend Power Systems Inc.

New Smart Transformer Helps Commercial Buildings Cut Energy Use


Source: Legend Power Systems Inc.

(Burnaby, British Columbia) April 7, 2010 — With a decade of research and development, Legend Power’s new smart transformer helps commercial buildings, big box retailers and other large facilities save 5-7% in electricity bills, energy consumption (kWh) and peak demand (kW).

This smart grid device, called the Electrical Harmonizer-AVR, is a high efficiency auto-transformer with an electronic tap changer that regulates voltage to save energy. The concept of regulating and reducing voltage for power conservation is not new, but Legend Power’s electronic tap changer, which brings intelligence to a transformer by measuring incoming voltage and assigning the correct tap setting, allows commercial facilities to regulate voltage down to an optimal level with confidence, which maximizes the savings potential.

Much has been written about smart devices for the home and personal energy conservation practices, but large-sale savings can really come from reductions in commercial energy use. Approximately 1/3 of all commercial energy consumption is wasted due to poor building design and power grid fluctuations.

Legend Power’s electronic automatic tap changer senses the incoming voltage level and reduces the energy consumption to the facility’s optimal range. “It basically takes the inefficiencies out of the electrical system,” says Gerry Gill, Legend Power’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.

Installation results have yielded clearly measurable reductions in electric bills, maintenance costs and greenhouse gases and the conservation savings from numerous installations have been independently measured and verified by BC Hydro.

Honda Canada saved 6% of its energy costs by installing Legend Power’s Harmonizer technology, Science World reduced its electricity costs by 8.5% and IKEA Richmond reduced it energy costs by 7%. “Even during our summer period with air conditioning loads, we still ended up with the equivalent electrical bill saving results in the range of 8.7% on our entire facility load,” says Doug McCann, general manager of IKEA Richmond Ltd.

Legend Power is offering 1-on-1 meetings for big box retailers, convention centers, office towers, and any large facility looking to reduce its energy costs.

For further information, please contact:
Dave Orton
T: 604-420-1500 ext. 229

About Legend Power

Legend Power Systems (TSX-V: LPS) is an electrical energy conservation company that uses a patented device to help commercial and industrial customers achieve significant energy savings through voltage regulation. Legend Power’s Electrical Harmonizer-AVR helps companies reduce their electricity bills, maintenance costs, and increases the life of electrical equipment, while contributing to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Clients include commercial and industrial businesses, property owners, and energy engineering consultants.

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