Metrohm AG

Metrohm AG


Oxidation stability: 893 Professional Biodiesel Rancimat with new StabNet software launched


Source: Metrohm AG

The Biodiesel Rancimat has become the preferred instrument for determining the oxidation stability of biodiesel and biodiesel blends according to EN 14112 and EN 15751. Metrohm now launches the 893 Professional Biodiesel Rancimat, the latest generation of this widely popular instrument including the completely new StabNet software.

One of the most important new features of the 893 Professional Biodiesel Rancimat is that determinations can now be started independently at the touch of a button directly at each of the instrument’s 8 measuring positions. The user in the lab does no longer have to go to his lap- or benchtop to do so.

Moreover, the new Rancimat generation comes with a display at the front-top side of the instrument communicating key information (e.g., temperature, gas flow, conductivity) on the status of the determination on each of instrument’s 8 measuring positions.

On the other hand, the new StabNet software contributes very much to the improved usability of the new Rancimat generation. Thus, the user interface is well structured enabling intuitive use; a client-server version with advanced user administration for improved data security is available.

While these new technical features improve ease of use of the instrument, application of methods on the new 893 Professional Biodiesel Rancimat stays the same, namely the most important international standard methods:

  • Oxidation stability of biodiesel and biodiesel blends according to EN 14112 or EN 15751
  • ASTM D 6751 «Standard specification for biodiesel fuel blend stock (B100) for middle distillate fuels»
  • ASTM D 7467 «Standard specification for diesel fuel oil, biodiesel blend (B6 to B20)»
  • EN 590 «Kraftstoffe für Kraftfahrzeuge – Dieselkraftstoff – Anforderungen und Prüfverfahren»
  • EN 14213 «Heizöle – Fettsäure-Methylester (FAME) – Anforderungen und Prüfverfahren»
  • EN 15751 «Kraftstoffe für Kraftfahrzeuge – Kraftstoff Fettsäuremethylester (FAME) und Mischungen mit Dieselkraftstoff – Bestimmung der Oxidationsstabilität (beschleunigtes Oxidationsverfahren)»    


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