CZ Biom - Czech Biomass Association

CZ Biom - Czech Biomass Association

Record number of more than 200 petrol stations with bioethanol E85 in the Czech Republic


Source: CZ Biom - Czech Biomass Association

Modern E85 fuel is becoming increasingly popular. And as demand grows every year, the network of petrol stations offering bioethanol is also expanding. It has reached an important milestone in the Czech Republic. It currently offers almost 5 times more E85 refueling capacity than CNG. More precisely, there are already 217. This is the main outcome of the press conference of Biofuels Goes and Tereos TTD, which took place on Wednesday, June 27, 2012.

Biofuels are on the rise. More and more figures confirm this. Not only has the number of new FFV cars or conversions increased, but the number of petrol stations offering this modern fuel is also increasing. In comparison with 2011, it almost doubled.

“With the density of pumps offering E85, we ranked third in Europe for Sweden and Hungary, which can definitely be considered a success. At present, with the exception of the Karlovy Vary region, you will find dozens of places with the possibility of refueling in every region, ”Jiří Trnka said at a press conference.

“It can be seen that the campaign has an effect, and that Czechs' awareness of bioethanol is growing, because if there was no demand, supply would not increase. The E85 offers significant family budget relief. For every one hundred kilometers you can save approximately 25 crowns, ”added Trnka.

“Biofuels are mainly interested in smaller petrol stations, whose policy is to offer consumers cheaper fuel. The problem, on the other hand, remains the resistance of the larger chains, who prefer their brand's 'premium fuels'. Generally, however, the interest from drivers and thus also from the pumps is growing and we are of course pleased with that, ”said Pavel Veselý from the G7 distributor.

“From our insider information, we can tell that only we, as Tereos TTD, charge over 200 gas stations, and that number continues to grow. Distributors and petrol stations are contacting us with an interest in completing the offer with this modern fuel, ”commented on current trends in biofuels Tereos TTD spokesman Jakub Hradiský.

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