SMART TESTSOLUTIONS introduces HiL test system for fuel cell control systems
SMART TESTSOLUTIONS GmbH is introducing a test system that allows developers to test the electronic control circuitry for fuel cell systems without requiring a real system. The test system is based on the Hardware-in-the-Loop principle –the voltages of the fuel cell stack as well as all relevant environmental parameters are simulated.
The test environment combines the manufacturer’s existing MCM IntelliProbe building blocks for monitoring and simulating of cell voltages with I/O modules of the same product family. The latter simulate relevant environmental factors such as pressure, temperature or certain switching states and measure the output values of the control unit.
The core feature of the SMART-MCM I/O units is their capability of processing multiple I/O signals in parallel and synchronously. Independently of the number of channels, a common clock signal synchronizes them all for downstream processing. The MCM IntelliProbe product family is designed for acquisition and monitoring of the cell voltage of fuel cells, batteries and similar electrochemical systems. The latest release of the MCM Process RT2.0 adds the option of simulating cell voltages.
With its first HiL test system for fuel cell control systems, Smart Testolutions also has implemented a new operating philosophy. Like in earlier versions, customers can define test procedures through a script and run them in automated mode. In addition, now manual intervention like inserting errors during the test is possible. In the channels affected, the script-based simulation is interrupted; instead it is continued with manual parameters. Since automating error insertion for different test scenarios is a rather complex task, this option is probably an interesting alternative, said Norbert Wittecek, business manager test systems & applications at Smart Testsolutions.
Who we are
SMART TESTSOLUTIONS GmbH is based in the high-tech location Stuttgart in Germany. From here, around 30 employees develop and distribute intelligent products and services for measuring, testing and simulating. The primary focus of SMART TESTSOLUTIONS is the automotive industry. Here, the company is active with individual components, system solutions and consultancy services.
One product focus of SMART TESTSOLUTIONS is fuel cell monitoring. The Company has equipped the first fuel cell test vehicles in Germany with compact and powerful monitoring electronics. Since then, our product portfolio has continued to grow.
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