Thomson Reuters

Thomson Reuters

Studsvik's Interim Report for January - March 2010


Source: Thomson Reuters

·         Net sales increased by 25 per cent to SEK 345.8 million (277.0).

·         Operating profit improved by SEK 44.4 million to SEK 23.2 million (-21.2) due to substantially improved profitability in the US operations.

·         Cash flow from operating activities after investments was SEK 19.0 million




Full Year

Net sales,

SEK million
345.8 277.0 1,216.3
Operating profit,

SEK million
23.2 -21.2 -30.0
Profit after tax,

SEK million
12.7 -19.8 -35.2
Cash flow after investments, SEK million 19.0 -32.0 -68.9
Profit per share

after tax, SEK
1.55 -2.41 -4.28
Equity per share,

65.91 74.82 65.82

ratio, %

37.4 39.7 37.2


The interim report will be presented at a telephone conference call according to earlier distributed invitation at 2:30 PM today.


Please read the full interim report in the attached file.


Facts about Studsvik

Studsvik offers a range of advanced technical services to the international nuclear power industry in such areas as waste treatment, decommissioning, engineering & services, and operating efficiency. The company has 60 years experience of nuclear technology and radiological services. Studsvik is a leading supplier on a rapidly expanding market. The business is conducted through five segments: Sweden, United Kingdom, Germany, USA and Global Services. Studsvik has 1,100 employees in
8 countries and the company's shares are listed on the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm.


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