AMETEK Spectro Scientific

AMETEK Spectro Scientific


Testing by California Department of Agriculture shows new InfraCal 2 Biodiesel Blend Analyzer Compares to ASTM D7371


Source: AMETEK Spectro Scientific

While a picture may be worth a thousand words, in the world of testing for regulations and validation data is worth a thousand words. The InfraCal Analyzers have been accepted worldwide as a standard for measuring the percent biodiesel in diesel by regulatory agencies, fuel blenders at terminals, production facilities, fuel distribution centers and fleet managers. The following data is from a recent study done by the California Department of Agriculture showing that the InfraCal 2 Biodiesel Blend Analyzer compares well to standards prepared for ASTM D7371 method for determining biodiesel concentration in diesel fuel.

CA Dept of Agriculture comparison of InfraCal 2 to ASTM D7371

For determining percent biodiesel in diesel, the InfraCal 2 has a new calibration scheme that makes it easier to get an accurate zero and new electronics for a better signal to noise ratio-all of which translates to more repeatable measurements.

The InfraCal 2 Analyzer also provides a virtually unlimited amount of internal data storage. For users testing at different remote locations, data can periodically be transferred serially or via a flash drive. Each analysis is tagged with parameters which include date, time, analyst, and location. The internal battery pack will last up to 12 hours bringing portability to a new level and eliminating the need to send samples to a laboratory and wait for results.

The new InfraCal 2 Biodiesel Blend Analalyzer is ideal for use by non-technical personnel and provides the same reliability and maintenance-free operation inherent in all Wilks analyzers.

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