Distributed Energy Books
Small Scale Power Generation Handbook
Small Scale Power Generation Handbook: Towards Distributed Energy Systems is a technological assessment of small-scale power in one reference, covering various technologies that can be applied to construct small power generation, each with their unique characteristics of operation, maintenance, control and integration within the grid. Addressing how conventional generation can be jointly and ...
By Elsevier B.V
Next Generation Hydrogen Production
Given the pricing volatility of petroleum-based fuels, geopolitical instability influencing their supply and public awareness of their effect on the environment, investors are increasingly supporting clean energy sources. Hydrogen's minimal impact on the environment makes it an excellent potential source for mobile, distributed and even centralised power. Hydrogen production technology is a key ...
By Smithers
Power Distribution Planning Reference Book, Second Edition
Providing more than twice the content of the original edition, this new edition is the premier source on the selection, development, and provision of safe, high-quality, and cost-effective electric utility distribution systems, and it promises vast improvements in system reliability and layout by spanning every aspect of system planning including load forecasting, scheduling, performance, and ...
Electric Power Distribution Handbook
Generation, transmission, distribution. Of the "big three" components of the electricity infrastructure, distribution typically gets the least attention. Yet, its impact on reliability, quality of service, and society often make distribution the most critical element. Today, deregulation and the emergence of distributed power generation mean it is now more important than ever for utility ...
Electric Power Distribution Reliability
Balancing theory, practical knowledge, and real-world applications, this reference consolidates all pertinent topics related to power distribution reliability into one comprehensive volume. Exploring pressing issues in creating and analyzing reliability models, the author highlights the most effective techniques to achieve maximum performance at lowest cost. With over 300 tables, figures, and ...
Electrical & Electronics Engineering
The objective of our journal is to produce peer-reviewed, authenticated research papers on various theoretical as well as applied disciplines of Electrical and Electronics Engineering prepared by scholars and researchers all across the world. Our journal does not just concern the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering but also includes all the scopes that are mildly or completely related ...
Sustainable Energy Production and Consumption
This volume is a result of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop that took place in Naples, Italy on July 4 through 7 of 2007. The workshop brought together the top researchers in energy technology, energy analysis, energy economics, and environmental economics from NATO countries, partner countries and Mediterranean Action countries. The book, like the meeting itself, deals with very crucial ...
Decentralised Power Generation in the Liberalised EU Energy Markets
The book gives a comprehensive overview of technologies for decentralised power generation (DG technologies), including those based on both renewable energy sources (RES), and on combined heat and power (CHP) technologies, and of relevant policies of the EU and its Member States. Special attention is paid to barriers to implementation and success factors that were drawn from 24 case studies ...
Energy Management Handbook - 9th edition
This comprehensive handbook is recognized as the definitive stand-alone energy manager's desk reference, used by tens of thousands of professionals throughout the energy management industry. This new ninth edition includes new chapters on energy management controls systems, compressed air systems, renewable energy, and carbon reduction. There are major updates to chapters on energy ...
By PBJ Tech Hub
Micro Cogeneration
The introduction of micro CHP – the simultaneous production of heat and power in an individual building based on small energy conversion units such as Stirling and reciprocating engines or fuel cells – is of increasing political and public interest. A large-scale introduction of micro CHP would radically change the electricity system and turn consumers into power producers. At the same time, ...
Power Electronics in Smart Electrical Energy Networks
Power Electronics in Smart Electrical Energy Networks introduces a new viewpoint on power electronics, re-thinking the basic philosophy governing electricity distribution systems. The proposed concept fully exploits the potential advantages of renewable energy sources and distributed generation (DG), which should not only be connected but also fully integrated into the distribution system in ...
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