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Distributed Energy Training Courses

7 training items found
  • based in GERMANY

    Topics are related to the sustainable integration of distributed energy resources into power systems. Trainers and teachers are professionals with high-level knowledge of the course topic. Course language is English. After the course, the participants receive a course ...

  • This course investigates a specific renewable energy indepth; examining newly emerging markets and their effect at various scales, including regional, national, and global perspectives. Students examine biofuels through the avenues of production of its various forms, placement in markets, and policy approaches with an eye towards reduction in GHGs (greenhouse ...

  • This course examines the role of a variety of technologies and strategies in achieving a sustainable urban environment. It covers opportunities for energy conservation, the shift toward decentralized power generation, several renewable energy technologies adapted for the urban environment, energy efficient buildings, alternative modes of transportation, urban planning, and government ...

  • based in USA

    Our courses provide the instruction needed to safely work on the Neurologica family of CT scanners. They prepare the student to service these units by providing the knowledge and the skills required to safely calibrate and repair the systems to the designated field replacement unit (fru). Students are introduced to the service tools interface and access methods. All courses are Instructor led and ...

  • This 8-hour e-Learning course will prepare you for the RESNET QualifiedEnergySmartContractors Exam. The course is divided into 2 modules for a total of 9 sessions and covers all the foundational building energy fundamentals and retrofit work scope requirements and ...

  • based in USA

    An Introduction to Electric Regulatory: NERC, FERC, CARB, CAISO, CEC, and DoE. An Introduction to Electric Regulatory Training Course covers fundamentals of energy and electrical utilities regulation including NERC, FERC, CARB, CAISO, CEC, and DoE. Learn about regulations including North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC), Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), California Air ...

  • Protection systems are very important components to ensure the safety, reliability and quality of supply of power systems. In the event of a malfunction, protection systems can isolate the faulty components while keeping the functioning parts of the power supply system in operation. Efficient protection systems can detect and isolate faults or exceptional situations within milliseconds to ...

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