Energy Infrastructure Equipment Supplied In Africa

4 equipment items found
  • Manufactured by Elecnor
    based in SPAIN

    Feasibility studies. Cost-finance analysis. Project administration procedures. Permitting and planning management. Construction and detailed engineering project design. Turnkey construction. Operation and maintenance. Operations ...

  • Manufactured by Elecnor
    based in SPAIN

    Elecnor has developed its own design and construction style for large-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) facilities, becoming a benchmark in the Spanish market. Also, thanks to the experience of its pioneering PV subsidiary Atersa, Elecnor now boasts one of the largest capacities to produce all the necessary components and equipment to configure any off-grid and grid-connected PV system. In Atersa's ...

  • based in FRANCE

    Store and upgrade raw biogas to methane grid quality. Veolia provides solutions for biogas management with the TECON* Double Membrane Gasholder and the MemGas* gas upgrading system. TECON is used for any application that needs gas storage such as municipal wastewater treatment plants with anaerobic digestion, landfills with biogas usage, industrial wastewater treatment plants, agricultural energy ...

  • Manufactured by Sera GmbH
    based in GERMANY

    With sera power-to-gas compressor units, innovative system solutions can be created for converting renewable energy into hydrogen for use in a range of applications. Direct use of green hydrogen in mobility and transportation is just as feasible as buffering in storage facilities and direct supply into the natural gas grid or H2 pipelines. Power-to-gas energy storage can help to balance out ...

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