Power Transmission Books

7 books found
  • Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric, and Fuel Cell Vehicles: Fundamentals, Theory, and Design

    Air quality is deteriorating, the globe is warming, and petroleum resources are decreasing. The most promising solutions for the future involve the development of effective and efficient drive train technologies. This comprehensive volume meets this challenge and opportunity by integrating the wealth of disparate information found in scattered papers and research. Modern Electric, Hybrid ...

  • Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric, and Fuel Cell Vehicles: Fundamentals, Theory, and Design

    Air quality is deteriorating, the globe is warming, and petroleum resources are decreasing. The most promising solutions for the future involve the development of effective and efficient drive train technologies. This comprehensive volume meets this challenge and opportunity by integrating the wealth of disparate information found in scattered papers and research. ...

  • Electrical High Voltage: Know the Hazards (DVD)

    Working with electricity is highly charged with dangers. Make sure that your workers are well-insulated from them.'There were three of us down there. My friend was closer to the breaker – all of a sudden he was a ball of flames...' That's how nasty and shocking electrical accidents can be. Power up your safety measures now and comply with OSHA’s Electric Power Generation, Transmission and ...

  • Electrical High Voltage: Know The Hazards (Video)

    Working with electricity is highly charged with dangers. Make sure that your workers are well-insulated from them.'There were three of us down there. My friend was closer to the breaker – all of a sudden he was a ball of flames...' That's how nasty and shocking electrical accidents can be. Power up your safety measures now and comply with OSHA’s Electric Power Generation, Transmission and ...

  • Wind Power Systems

    Renewable energy sources such as wind power have attracted much attention because they are environmentally friendly, do not produce carbon dioxide and other emitants, and can enhance a nation’s energy security. For example, recently more significant amounts of wind power are being integrated into conventional power grids. Therefore, it is necessary to address various important and challenging ...

  • Energy for a Warming World

    Energy for a Warming World challenges the commonplace notion that the amount of power which mankind can potentially harness from renewable resources is more than large enough to assuage future demand levels. The presumption of unlimited power from renewables does not take into account the fact that it may not be possible to fully develop this potential, or that the resulting energy may not be ...

  • Wind Turbine Control Systems

    Modern wind turbines generally operate at variable speed in order to maximise the conversion efficiency below rated power and to reduce loading on the drive-train. In addition, pitch control of the blades is usually employed to limit the energy captured during operation above rated wind speed. The higher complexity of variable-speed variable-pitch turbines is offset by the benefits of control ...

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