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Smart Grids Suppliers & Manufacturers

9 companies found
  • Merus Power Plc.
    based in Nokia, FINLAND

    Merus Power is a global green technology company headquartered in the city of Nokia, Finland. We design, manufacture, sell and provide Finnish innovative electrical energy storages, power quality systems, and services. Scalable and modular power ...

  • Joy Technology Co., Ltd (Joy)
    based in Jiaxing, CHINA

    Founded in 2011, Joy Technology Co., Ltd (Joy) provides integrated energy management solutions of 'SaaS cloud platform + IoT gateway + IoT terminal' for smart water, smart heating, smart apartments, smart park and other fields, and is committed to ...

    Joy Technology - Three Phase Prepaid Electricity Meter

    Joy Technology - Three Phase Prepaid Electricity Meter

    JOY311 is suitable for residential, commercial and light industrial environment. Credit and management data is transfered via a 20-digit numeric token that is generated by using the STS (Standard Transfer Specification) encryption protocol from a ...

  • Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA)
    Nonprofit organization (NPO)
    based in Washington, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (USA)

    The Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA) is a nonprofit organization that envisions a carbon-free energy system by 2050. We are one of many entities globally required to make this vision a reality. SEPA has a very specific role in the journey ...

    Annual Utility Market Survey

    Annual Utility Market Survey

    Every year, utilities across our nation have answered our request for data and that data powers our annual survey. Through this survey, we provide the electric power industry with a trusted source of unbiased US solar market ...

  • CETS Technologies, Inc.
    Service provider
    based in Athens, GEORGIA (US) (USA)

    CETS Technologies Inc., a systems integrator and industrial engineering company based in the US. The company is a leader in the architectural design, development, engineering and deployment of renewable energy and waste solutions for municipalities. ...

  • Hangzhou Livoltek Power Co.,ltd
    based in Hangzhou, CHINA

    Livoltek Power, founded in 2017, is committed to providing high quality solar power for global customers covering residential, industrial & commercial, agricultural and utilities. Its comprehensive portfolio includes PV inverter, battery inverter, ...

    based in Warszawa, POLAND

    Energy Hubs with the lowest cost of energy storage, starting from 1,78 cents per kWh. Energy storage manufacturer and integrator. Energy storage solutions for solar power plants, electric vehicle chargers, other generation sources and smart grid. ...

    UBESS - Model SGH-2000/1000 LTO - Smart Grid Energy Hub

    UBESS - Model SGH-2000/1000 LTO - Smart Grid Energy Hub

    For the electricity market to function, it is important that the supply of electricity producers meets the actual demand. However, it is difficult to achieve this compliance in real time, which leads to the imbalance in the electricity market. To ...

  • Nortex Technologies
    based in Haifa, ISRAEL

    Nortex Technologies is a System House company that aims to be a leader concentrated on Smart Grid and efficient energy saving technologies, based on embedded communication solutions. Nortex has released the latest generation of the Spotâ„¢ AMI ...

  • Photon Etc.
    based in Montreal, QUEBEC (CANADA)

    Photon etc. provides scientific imaging solutions for a vast array of applications. From solar cells to live cells, our fast and integrated hyperspectral imaging systems provide solutions to industrials challenges, and give researchers access to the ...

  • Applied Systems Engineering Inc.
    based in Campbell, CALIFORNIA (USA)

    Applied Systems Engineering Inc. (ASE) is a smart grid protocol technology leader and a leading manufacturer of Remote Terminal Unit (RTU)/Intelligent Electronic Device (IED) protocol test equipment for the supervisory control and data acquisition ...

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