Acid Gas Fired Combustion Equipment
From Sulphur Recovery Equipment
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A History of Innovation
Stricter emission regulations and increasingly sour crudes mean that our industry must constantly innovate. One example of this is oxygen enrichment, spearheaded by Duiker in the world’s first commercially operated oxygen enriched burners, which are still operating widely today. Continuous design improvements have pushed burner efficiency even further. Lean or rich feeds, impurities, two or two and a half thousand tonnes a day, our main burners will provide optimal results.
The Bottom Line
The results on the bottom line are clear too: better destruction of impurities, a higher sulphur yield in the thermal stage, a shift from CS2 formation to COS and the best performance in turn down conditions. This translates in: lower operational expenditures, longer runs of the catalyst beds and a drastic decline in unscheduled maintenance time.
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