Acme Engineering Prod. Ltd.

Acme Engineering Prod. Ltd.


- Model CEJWS Series - High Voltage Immersed Electrode Steam Boiler



Electrode boilers utilize the conductive and resistive properties of water to carry electric current and generate steam. An A.C. current flows from an electrode to one phase to the ground using the water as the conductor.

Product Details

These Electrode Boilers have unlimited application possibilities wherever a need for process or space heating exists.

A partial list of possible uses includes:

  • Hospitals, schools, hotels                                                           
  • Caterings and Food processing
  • Clothing and textiles plants                                                       
  • Industrial plants
  • Plastic and Chemical Plants                                                       
  • Washing Utilities
  • Power plants    

Electrode boilers utilize the conductive and resistive properties of water to carry electric current and generate steam. An A.C. current flows from an electrode to one phase to the ground using the water as the conductor.

Electrical Requirement

CEJWS boilers are designed for use on 3 phases, 4 wires distribution (or 3 phases 3 wires with special grounding connection) to the circuit breaker. The boiler shell and cage must be grounded to the building steel and ground mat.


Convert virtually 99.5% of the electrical energy into heat. Rapid response (full load within 30-40 minutes from cold start or within one minute from hot start).

Operating at distribution voltages, eliminating the need for fuel lines, storage and handling equipment, economizers, and emission control equipment, saving on capital expenditures.

Easy to operate and simple to maintain. Automatic controls reduce the operating personnel requirements.

For areas affected by allocations or interruption of natural gas and costly oil, supply electrode boilers provide a dependable source of steam. Offers a clean easier-to-use alternative to fossil fuels.

There are no flames, fumes, fuel lines, or storage tanks. No low water danger since the current cannot flow without water. Thermal shock is eliminated. Electrically safe due to grounded pressure vessel.

Long-life electrodes are cooled by water jets produced by an integrated loop pump. having a minimum number of components and electrical controls, provide maximum reliability. Without fuels, cleaning and maintenance are reduced.

Without combustion, the operation of CEJWS boilers is quiet, clean, and emission-free. Problems associated with other energy sources such as noise, fuel fumes, fly ash, and large stacks, do not exist for electrode boilers.

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