Aemetis, Inc.

Aemetis, Inc.

- Sustainable Aviation Fuel and Renewable Diesel


We create renewable fuels from renewable agricultural byproducts or waste products. Aemetis’s sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and renewable diesel (RD) are created from waste oils/fats and biomass generated from agricultural wastes. Complex technologies work in tandem to transform these various waste resources into higher-value clean fuels.

Aemetis is in the process of developing advanced R...

Aemetis is in the process of developing advanced RD and SAF from oils, fats and tallows available in California. Aemetis is also in the process of developing fuels and energy from woody waste generated with byproducts of agriculture and forest management.

The Aemetis facilities are designed with flexibility in mind, with the ability to adjust the outputs to produce either renewable diesel only or a mix of RD and up to 50% SAF, allowing Aemetis to respond to changing market conditions for the two products.

Aemetis has purchased a 125-acre, commercial/industrial site at a former US Army munitions facility in the Central Valley town of Riverbank that will be the site of the SAF/renewable diesel facilities. It will be co-located with a Carbon Capture and Storage facility, allowing Aemetis to reduce atmospheric carbon levels as part of its SAF/renewable diesel production efforts.

Why SAF and Renewable Diesel?

The U.S. consumes more than 40 billion gallons of diesel on U.S. roadways every year and more than 10 billion gallons of aviation fuel. Petroleum in transportation creates 1,700 Million metric tons of CO2 per year. Diesel and aviation fuel also emit soot, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides (NOx), and other hazardous air pollutants.

Renewable diesel meets the same standards and quality controls of traditional petroleum diesel. Renewable diesel performs comparably to traditional diesel but contains dramatically lower tailpipe and lifecycle emissions.

Additionally, our facilities will produce SAF and renewable diesel at or below the carbon intensity of comparable fuels in the market today. When combined with carbon capture and storage, our facilities permanently remove atmospheric carbon dioxide, lowering overall greenhouse gases. Transportation relies heavily on petroleum, and finding nature-based alternatives is one of the most powerful ways to stop greenhouse gas emissions.


We create renewable fuels from sustainable vegetable oil and animal fat.

Aemetis’s biodiesel is created from biomass generated from sustainable vegetable oil and animal fat. It is created through a transesterification process, generating a renewable, biodegradable fuel that can be used in many of the same ways as traditional petroleum diesel, including use as a transportation fuel, as heating oil, and as a textile lubricant.

Aemetis owns and operates a 50-million gallon per year integrated fuels and chemical production facility in Kakinada, India, which generates biodiesel, glycerin (a component in the chemicals industry), and edible oils. It is the largest biodiesel manufacturing plant in India. The biodiesel technology was supplied by ‘DeSmet-Ballestra’ from Italy, known for best-in-class available technology. In October 2008, Aemetis was amongst the first plants to commence biodiesel production in India.

Why Biodiesel?

India consumes more than 23 billion gallons of diesel annually. Diesel emissions include soot, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), and other hazardous air pollutants. Biodiesel burns cleaner, improving overall air quality. Additionally, emissions standards in many countries call for decreased sulfur in petroleum diesel, which decreases the ability of the fuel to lubricate diesel engines. Mixing even a small percentage of biodiesel with traditional diesel restores the lubricity of the fuel, which supports the these emissions standards.

Displacing petroleum with locally sources lower carbon feedstocks such as used cooking oils, fats and tallows bolsters the India’s economy, provides jobs, cleans the air and improves health as compared to diesel fuel.

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