Aereon - Burn Pit Flares
From Standard and Custom Flares System
The Pit Flare (or “Burn Pit”) is usually constructed of an excavation lined with a non-combustible lining of rock or refractory material. Often coupled with a pit liner, our pit flares can be a cost-effective combustion option for an environmentally conscious user. Our high efficiency burner produces a mixture of vapor and liquid from a single source. While most often designed to operate nonsmokeless, through use of AEREON's various Pit Flare technologies (Chimera, Peackock, Triton), smokeless operation can often be achieved.
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- Tips equipped with proprietary stabilization tabs and rings for flame retaining and stabilization
- Purge reduction systems, dynamic or buoyancy seal
- Material selection as per specifications, in terms of material grade, properties and testing such as special alloys (UNS08811, UNS N0660), NACE, HIC and others
- Pilot burners are ISO 25457:2008 (API 537), self-inspirated and characterized by very low fuel consumptions and high reliability. Equipped with thermocouples or flame ionization rods with single or redundant ignition system. Built in stainless steel 310/316 with casted items
- Flame remote monitoring, smokeless control, retractability packages for thermocouples, pilot burners, aircraft warning lights (AWL), and many other turnkey solutions
- Highly reliable and tested pilot burners
- Miscellaneous instrumentation for IR monitor, Sentinel UV monitor, Smokeless monitor, and control
- Instrumentation for flow monitoring (ultrasonic), remote flame monitoring of both pilot flame and flare tip flame, smokeless control via flame intensity optical monitors, and many others
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- Aircraft warning lights, Ex-d, conforming to ICAO code latest edition
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