ENGIE North America

ENGIE North America

Aggregates Distributed Energy Storage System for Grid Services



Imagine a smarter, more efficient grid, where all available energy flows optimally, meeting user demand while creating revenue streams for continuous grid enhancement. It’s an ambitious objective, and we’re ready to help you get there, with field-proven distributed energy storage solutions that work on both sides of the meter.


Benefits all over the grid
Green Charge designs, finances, builds, and aggregates distributed energy storage solutions comprising the industry-leading GridSynergy™ master command-and-control system and a fleet of energy storage units installed on both sides of the meter; at commercial sites or utility owned substations. These systems collectively perform a range of grid services:

Feeder Demand Management
Green Charge’s proprietary demand management algorithm learns and adapts to load zone profiles, recommending and executing optimal daily dispatch programming to reduce feeder congestion and operational inefficiencies.

Renewable Firming and Ramp Rate Control
Our predictive balancing algorithm increases predictability of renewable power generation for improved forecasting, trading, and minimal disruption to feeder power flow.

Primary Frequency Response
Our real-time frequency sensing hardware and dynamic controller adjusts prioritization of grid services based on extent of grid frequency deviation. This allows for a more stable grid with sub-second response to frequency deviations.

Voltage Regulation and Power Factor Correction

Our control algorithm monitors feeder voltages and power quality to determine optimal, geo-specific dispatch of real (MW) and reactive power support (MVAr) across an energy storage fleet. This allows for control of the voltage level and sustained power levels at all points along a distribution feeder.

Direct-Control Demand Response

This algorithm monitors and forecasts state of charge to inform operators of fleet readiness to respond. When necessary, operators can override normal fleet programming for emergency dispatch.

Frequency Regulation

This proprietary algorithm manages the energy storage fleet’s state of charge to maximize performance in regulation markets and provide frequency regulation via automatic generation control (AGC) dispatch to support grid stability, and where possible, receive wholesale market payments.

Proven turnkey solutions

From engineering to operations, we have the experience and expertise to build and operate your distributed energy storage fleet. With over 160 sites in operation and under construction, totaling 57 MWh in distributed energy storage, we can deliver on quality at scale. Our team can assess your needs, design and implement the most effective solution.

Pilots that help you scale with less risk

The GridSynergy Pilot Program is a multi-level, customized program that allows you to experience and prepare for a distributed energy storage solution, while educating your staff on the new technology. Leveraging the experience of our extensive installed base, the pilot program also gives you the opportunity to tackle integration issues and develop processes for large-scale adoption.

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