Aggreko - Heat Exchangers
From Power Generation - Cooling
Heat exchangers are used for heating or cooling of process or building fluids without direct contact between the fluids. But they’re often pushed to their limits, which can lead to costly failures and environmental fines. At these times, you need to keep things going in the most cost-effective way. That’s where we can help.
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Product Details
We have all types of heat exchangers — shell and tube, shell and plate, and fin/fan. They’re refinery-grade, certified contaminant-free and thoroughly cleaned, pressure tested and certified before each use.
Whether you’re facing emergencies,bottlenecks, turnarounds or seasonal cooling needs our process engineers will work closely with you to find the best solution. They’ll visit your site, assess your needs, then design, size and install our heat exchangers with minimum disruption to your business.
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