Air Bio - Model 7 630 грн - Oven Controller
The controller allows you to control the process temperature in the industrial and semi-industrial furnaces. Full control of solid fuel feeders and self-cleaning systems. Wide setting ranges of all the controls, which makes it possible to establish optimum operating conditions, virtually all burners operating at different quality pellets. Large and informative TFT-LCD with display of all operating parameters. The possibility of remote monitoring and control via RS-485 interface. The remote control connection through the network GSM, frequency control unit. Guarantee
1,5 year.
1,5 year.
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Electrical specifications:
- Food B/Hz 230/50
- Power consumption W 4,5
- Maximum fan power W 200
- The maximum capacity of the grate W 200
- Maximum power feeder W 300
- The maximum capacity of the igniter (TEN) W 1000
- Measurement:
- Precision measurements of flue gas temperature at the outlet °С 2
- Measurement accuracy specified temperatures °С 2
- Measuring range flue gas temperature °С 0 - 400
- Temperature measurement range set °С 0 - 400
- Other options:
- Working temperature °С 10 - 50
- Humidity % 5-95
- Degree of protection IP IP40
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