Alliance - Low Calorific Value Fuel Gas Burners
Custom engineered burners and control system with valve skids designed to meet the customers’ requirements.
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Product Details
The main Objective is:
- To improve ultimate product quality at client’s end.
- To meet environmental norms.
- To provide energy efficient solutions, by designing burners to operate on the process gas available with client.
- Use of diverse fuels, like Mixed gas, corexgas, BF gas, coke oven gas etc, to attain energy use objectives.
- Low NOx conventional burners for diverse fuels and furnace applications.
Alliance Thermal Engineers has designed and manufactured following:
- Last furnace gas fired burners for iron ore rotary dryer. Capacity: 20000 Nm3 / hr.BF gas pressure: 800mm WC.
- Blast furnace gas fired burners for sintering furnace. Capacity: 7000 Nm3 / hr. BF gas. Pr. 700-800 mm WC. Suitable for Preheated combustion air @ 350 Deg. C
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