Ansaldo Energia S.p.A.

Ansaldo Energia S.p.A.

- Reheat Steam Turbines



Ansaldo Energia reheat steam turbines portfolio includes machines from two to five cylinders, capable of meeting a wide range of steam cycles, site conditions and operating modes for several applications, both in 50 and 60 Hz market, such as:

Products Details

  • combined cycles power plants
  • fossil fired steam power plants
  • cogeneration power plants
  • solar plants

Reaction technology for maximum efficiency, single bearing for optimum dynamic behavior and 3D stationary and rotating blades by a robust and highly damped design are common figures for both reheat and non reheat turbines.

Different size last stage blade of coupled or free standing design are suitably selected for air or water cooled condenser.

Easy access to maintenance activities is ensured by compact overall dimensions.

Synchro-Self-Shifting (SSS) clutch is available for connection to the generator for single shaft applications

For smaller ratings, where a single flow exhaust is sufficient, the design concept is based on two cylinders, the natural solution for combining high efficiency and compactness: an High Pressure (HP) section and a Combined IP/LP section in opposite flow arrangement with single flow exhaust.

For larger ratings, the design concept is based on three or more cylinders, suitable for the highest inlet steam conditions: an High Pressure (HP) section, an Intermediate Pressure (IP) section and one or more double flow Low Pressure (LP) sections depending on exhaust conditions.

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